Sometimes it happens that during a move you discover that the apartment you are moving into is full of old junk left behind by the previous tenants. These are mostly old furniture that the previous tenant didn't fit in the new apartment, old broken electrical appliances that he didn't want to lug around, etc. Although the tenant should leave the apartment in such a condition that it is ready for new residents, this is not always the rule. It often happens that an unpleasant task awaits you before moving - the disposal of used furniture and appliances things that get in the way of your new apartment and you don't want here.

If you don't have any furniture of your own, perhaps you will welcome things left over from your predecessors, at least to begin with. But there is rarely anything to stand for. These are mostly damaged or non-functional things.

Sell ​​or throw away?

Unfortunately, things left in your apartment are still the property of the previous tenant, so you can't immediately throw them away or sell them. it is the lessor's responsibility to take proper care of these things. This means storing them and inviting the tenant to pick them up. Only after the deadline has passed in vain can the landlord cash these things and send the money to the original tenant, of course after deducting the costs.

However, the aforementioned law does not apply in the case of an item that the previous tenant has so-called "apparently abandoned". These are mostly depreciated, unusable, or items of completely negligible value. In this case, the items can be cleared and disposed of like any other waste. However, what is trash to one may be treasure to another, and when assessing the question of whether these are things of little value, you should therefore proceed with caution and preferably take a photo, so that later someone does not claim that the dilapidated umakart cabinet was a valuable antique from the 17th century.

Reasons why you are not able to sell your furniture

Have you tried selling furniture online, people are looking at photos and writing questions, but the actual purchase still hasn't happened. Maybe one of the following reasons is to blame. Try again and better this time.

The price is too high:

It has been more than 30 days and your furniture does not sell. Maybe it's time to drop the price. But how to determine the right selling price? First, try to look at the advertisements where similar furniture appears. If you are not in a hurry to sell even after a month, lower the price.

Your photos are not very professional: 

In general, most buyers today search for furniture mostly online. Whether they subsequently buy the given piece or not is mainly decided by high-quality photographs. So remove excess accessories from the furniture and invest in good lighting and a quality camera. Alternatively, have your furniture photographed by someone more experienced.

Missing essential information in the ad:

To avoid unnecessary and repetitive questions and to make your ad easy to find, it is important to mention all essential information, such as all dimensions, age, and wear of the furniture, actual color, and price.

The furniture for sale is outdated:

 Although your old dresser or wardrobe has incalculable value to you, remember that it is usually not the case for the buyer. Therefore, critically evaluate whether the piece you are selling should be donated to someone.

Your furniture is too unique:

Are you selling a unique designer armchair in the shape of a tulip? It doesn't always have to be an advantage. Luxury furniture or furniture with unusual features usually sells for much longer than ordinary furniture. Therefore, put yourself in the role of a buyer and present your unusual furniture to used furniture buyers in Dubai in an even better light, mentioning above all its advantages.

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