Snapchat is an amazing application used by a number of people as the application has some very awesome and unique features which have made it popular among the youth.

The application has different elements like snap streak and snap score that fuel the competitive side of people but, sometimes there are situations when people want to hide their snap score. Well, if you also want to know the same then, in the guide, we are going to tell you can you hide snap score and if yes then, how.

Is it Allowed to Hide Your Snap Score on the Application?

The first thing that you need to know before we tell you how to hide snapscore is the fact that whether you can do this on the application or not. Unfortunately for you, you will not be able to hide your snap score on the application from your friends. This means that any person who has been added to you in your Snapchat account will be able to see your snap score on the application but, the application also allows people to limit the viewing of the snap score to people who are not your friends on the application. 

What is the Process to Hide Your Snap Score on the Application?

As explained you can hide your snap score from other people on the application who are not your friends and if you want to know about the same then, you can simply use the instructions that we are giving here. 

You need to use the Privacy settings of your account to hide score on snapchat. You need to change all the privacy controls of your account to only friends or yourself to ensure that other people cannot view your snap score or the other details that you have shared in your Snapchat account.