An infusion of rejuvenating IV vitamins Oklahoma can help you feel your best! In addition to boosting your hydration levels with normal saline, the minerals and vitamins included in the infusion can increase your energy, support skin health, and more. Learning more about these inclusions can help you choose your ideal blend.



Choosing Your IV Vitamins Oklahoma

Based on your body’s needs and what you expect from your infusion experience, you can usually have one or more of these vitamins and minerals included in your IV blend:

        B-complex vitamins reduce stress, increase energy, and improve mood.

        Vitamin B-12 helps with red blood cell formation and promotes heart health.

        Vitamin C stimulates collagen production and strengthens immune function.

        Thiamine supports cardiovascular health, digestive health, and brain function.

        Riboflavin helps livers, eyes, muscles, nerves, hair, skin, and nails stay healthy.

        Niacin lowers LDL cholesterol levels while raising HDL cholesterol levels.

        Pantothenic helps balance cholesterol levels while lowering triglycerides.

        Biotin supports brain health, improves heart health, and boosts immunity.

        Folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease and helps treat folate deficiency.

        Zinc boosts immune function, supports bone health, and eases inflammation.

        Magnesium treats migraines, reduces insulin resistance, and helps with PMS.

        Selenium promotes thyroid gland health and can reduce oxidative stress.

        Copper promotes healthy skin, supports bone health, and improves digestion.

        Manganese eases inflammation, boosts brain function, and supports healing.

        Calcium supports bone health and may help with weight loss and PMS.

        Sodium regulates fluid levels, restores skin, and can relieve muscle cramps.

        Glutathione improves insulin sensitivity and can reduce oxidative stress.

        Amino acids reduce fatigue, support muscle growth, and boost mental clarity.



Can You Choose IV Fluids OKC that Already Feature Vitamin Blends?

Of course! Often, mobile IV providers will have specially designed