What is Asthma? 

Asthma is a chronic lung disease wherein the airways become narrow due to swelling and inflammation, and an increased production of mucus is also witnessed. The condition also results in coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Asthma can manifest as a minor inconvenience or a major life-threatening attack that interferes with your daily routine. Although asthma can not be cured entirely with medications, a diet plan for asthma patients can prove beneficial in bringing relief and keeping any flare-ups at bay. 


Can a Diet Help with Asthma Symptoms?

Besides environmental triggers and medications, asthma can also be triggered by food allergens. The right food can bring relief from your symptoms by strengthening your body’s resistance. Consulting a nutritionist can help you with a customised diet plan that is based on a precise diagnosis of your condition. Following your diagnosis, the nutritionist will put you on a gut cleansing program. A healthy bacterial and pH balance is crucial to keeping health disorders in check and maintaining optimal functioning. Any imbalance in the gut microbiomes results in dysbiosis or a condition where the bad bacteria outweigh the good bacteria. Macrobiotics is considered one of the simplest and most potent diets for cleansing the gut. Gut cleansing involves the consumption of high-fibre foods to enrich the healthy gut bacteria and rid the body of accumulated toxins. 


Once all the toxins have been eliminated, your nutritionist assists you in identifying and eliminating trigger foods that might be contributing to the buildup of mucus and worsening your symptoms. These foods are then replaced by healthier, organic alternatives. In addition to the inclusion of organic foods, focus is also placed on balancing the acidic and alkaline energies of the food you intake. This balance between the opposing energies is rooted in the zen philosophy of yin and yang. A macrobiotic diet requires a well-balanced intake of whole grains and cereals, organic veggies and fruits, probiotics, fermented foods, beans, and salads. In addition to focusing on the food you are consuming, a diet plan for an asthma patient will also acquaint you with a knowledge of different cooking styles. Choosing the right cooking methods for different foods ensures that you retain the maximum nutritional value and health benefits from them. 


Macrobiotics is a branch of lifestyle medicine that brings to the fore the healing properties of our everyday foods. A diet is so much more about than just losing weight. The right foods can go a long way in strengthening your immune response and physical fitness and safeguarding your emotional well-being.