I'm working with it. The poor dudes recording that EVE Mobile ISK fight had even more disconnects then that battle surprisingly. It's taking me more time.God the fanboys are out in force on this one aren't they, every comment contradicting the narrative (which makes zero sense) gets downvoted. Now I am just here for the negative karma.You created a new account simply to shit article on all SHH posts... You seriously want to reevaluate your life dude, you're trying way too hard.

Least this one includes a video I suspect...The OP literally admits on one of my additional remarks that it was you guys but he left them pull down their articles... you probably wouldn't see it though as you are all so busy downvoting those that disagree with you.You sound salty and also for something so tiny. Take a rest dude, you're getting riled up on a mobile phone game lmao. Also, you know what's worse than down voting those who disagree with you?...going to every SHH post just to talk crap.

These men are just living rent free iny'all's heads.Maybe ify'all set in half of the effort that you just do brigading into battling, then perhapsy'all will have videos with struggles like these up on reddit too. Until then stay classy.You are becoming downvoted since you are bringing nothing to the dialogue. SHH fully stated the results of the battle... Station was defended, good fight had been had, kills were reported, SHH left and went home after a fun night. What's there to say?

For a person claiming to be an"outside observer" based on your own message history, you sure do love piling on SHH members, every time that they post... Maybe look into getting a new hobby kid this is not a good look for you.I'm entitled to my opinion that making out you won once you lost is well, the epitome of propaganda. I also couldn't care less about karma so.What part of the is propoganda? The part where SHH simply stated the facts, posted a video and the evidence of killmails? Or the area where members of both alliances are congratulating each other on a battle well fought and a station well defended?

Additionally for an individual who"does not care for karma" you sure talk about it a fair sum in every single one of your posts.You're floundering now on your arguments lol.Please allow me to understand how can it be that you're so obsessed with GOOD FIGHTS nevertheless use that logo on your YouTube profile?For anyone who didn't realize it here's a primer. Doesn't the justification sound a bit like Southerners who claim that stars and cheap eve echoes isk bars are history?