Lab coats are an essential piece of personal protection equipment (PPE) in the lab. Healthcare workers, scientists, and lab technicians frequently wear lab coats as protective clothing in various contexts, including clinics, hospitals, research labs, and educational institutions. 

Wearing a white lab coat in a laboratory is essential to shield the scientist, sample, and equipment from contamination and harm.       

Ensuring the safety of lab coats is crucial for the following reasons: 

  • Barrier protection: A lab coat protects your arms and body from coming into close touch with potentially harmful materials in the laboratory. It offers significant barrier protection.  

  • Protective material: A well-made white lab coat should be semi-fire-retardant. 35/65 polycotton is the perfect blend of polyester and cotton (35% polyester and 65% cotton). Cotton has semi-fire retardant properties, however polyester is easier to maintain and resistant to chemicals. 

  • Prevents cross-contamination: Wearing a lab coat in the laboratory helps to prevent or limit cross-contamination in other areas while retaining contamination within the laboratory. 

  • Fast removal: A lab coat can be swiftly removed in an emergency. If there is a fire or hazardous spill, you can rapidly remove your lab coat—especially if it has press studs—and put some distance between you and the danger. 

  • Improve your look: A neat, well-fitting white lab coat conveys professionalism and identifies a person working in the lab as an expert in their subject.   

  • Safer workplace: You can maintain control over your workplace and keep your sleeves out of your experiment by wearing a lab jacket with an elastic cuff. Additionally, it will shield your arms from any potentially dangerous splashes. 

  • Clothing protection: Wearing a lab jacket protects your clothes from filth, dust, and invisible contaminants. This is why it is worn in laboratories. 

  • Compliance with safety standards: Wearing a doctor white coat is mandatory in many lab environments. You can avoid drawing unwelcome attention from safety staff by wearing your lab coat. They might inquire as to whether you follow safety regulations. 

  • Defense against biohazards: Lab coats can also shield wearers from potentially harmful substances found in laboratories, such as infectious pathogens. 

  • Minimization of skin irritation: When handling certain chemicals or materials, skin irritation can be reduced by wearing a lab coat. This occurs because the doctor white coat acts as a barrier between the skin and the potentially harmful substance. 

What distinguishes a lab coat from a lab jacket? 

Compared to lab coats, which are usually shorter and stop at the waist, lab coats are longer and provide greater coverage and protection. Applications requiring superior protection, such as handling dangerous chemicals or materials, are better suited for lab coats. In contrast, since lab coats offer sufficient protection and increased mobility, they might be more suitable for less hazardous tasks. 


Remember that lab coats must be well kept, cleaned regularly, and replaced when damaged to protect their wearers and effectively uphold a secure laboratory environment. 
Visit Broadway Medical Supply to buy lab coat online.