Mastering the art of conversation is tough as hell. I mean, how do you break the ice? What to do afterward? How not to come off as a weirdo? Well, this article will cover all of these aspects. So keep on reading to know how you can graduate from a measly ‘‘How have you been’ to something more nuanced and organic.

The Conversationalist’s Advice  

Well, you might not agree with me, but I believe that initiating a conversation is really an art. If you are a good orator, 90% of your problems are solved automatically. But I will also agree that it is not an easy task to master. In fact, being a good orator is not an easy task.


I personally used to struggle with breaking the ice and keeping the conversation flowing. And this is why I spent a lot of years sulking in the corner or just being by myself at any social gathering. However, over the years, I have worked on my anxiety and fear of conversation to become a better orator than before.


So, in order to help you guys with the information. I have brought some specific tips and tricks that will help you move beyond the generic ‘How have you been’ to something more substantial.

Start With A Question/ Compliment  

So, the very first thing that you need to know about being a conversationalist is to project a positive attitude. Always remember, what goes around comes around. So, always start by projecting a nice, amicable attitude that the person in question can relate to.


Even if you are anxious, you do not project that. In fact, project a confident and confident body language and countenance. A warm smile while breaking the smile will always set the journey right.


The best way to go about this is to start with something simple, like a compliment or a question. If you are complementing, keep things general, do not be super specific, or it will creep out the individual. If you are starting the conversation with a question, you should keep it light or intruding. I mean, you can ask questions about the host, the weather, or even the generic ‘How have you been’. Just make sure that you have content to keep the conversation flowing afterward, which is the next stage of this guide.

Ask For Advice About Food  

Food is something that everybody loves. Show me one person who hates food. Even the individuals who eat ‘clean’ do enjoy eating. Therefore, talking about food can be the safest topic to discuss or break the ice with.


Try discussing about that new coffee place you discovered, or find out if you guys have a similar palette. This will add a layer of relatability to your interaction. In fact, this will also enable you guys to drop your guards and proceed smoothly.


I personally talk about preparing food or gossip about it. It sounds vain, but it works like a charm. Since you guys are on the topic of food, you can also sideline to exercise and other related topics. This will make the conversation feel more flowy and organic.


Another way you can start a food-related conversation is if you ask for advice on food. I mean, ask if they are aware of some nice eateries in the vicinity. This would allow them to add substance to the conversation and make it a two-way street.

Do Some Networking  

Another important truck that can help you master the art of conversation is networking. This is something that has been my go-to ice-breaker for most of the social events that I have attended lately. And guess what? It works like a charm.


Once you are done introducing yourself, try finding mutual acquaintances. The best way to proceed is by asking questions about the host or how they know him or her. This will open up the avenues to help you find common acquaintances, which will enable you to establish a further sense of familiarity with the person and keep things rolling.

Mastering The  Art Of Listening  

The final piece of advice that I have for you is to understand the need to be a good listener. See, a good orator is somebody who talks. But a good conversationalist is someone who talks as well as listens.


Just hear me out, how will you feel when you meet somebody ‘charming’ at a party and they are the only person talking? They do not care what you have to say. They do not care who you are. They just want to tell you about themselves. Sounds awful, right? So, if you do the same, you will also be perceived as self-obsessed and narcissistic.


So, keep the conversation flowing by interacting and not just talking. The former makes you likable, the latter can make you seem narcissistic.

That’s A Wrap!  

And there you go! We have reached the very end of our short guide to maintaining a conversation or perfecting the art of small talking. Try following these pointers by yourself and on your own time to see how conversations flow and how to become a good conversationalist.