It explains the implications of this, stating that Murray can't do multi-tasking during the time he is required to study. There are no games on video MUT 24 Coins, no television and no internet browsing during the four hours. If it sounds strange, that's because it is. This type of clause for study has never been a part of a Madden NFL 24 agreement before, and while on the surface, it might not appear to be a huge deal but we're already seeing the consequences of this decision.

The core issue with the addition isn't requiring independent research, it's what the mandate intimates. The preciseness of the clause could have anyone coming to the conclusive conclusion that: "Kyler Murray doesn't study, so we're forcing him to." This is in direct contradiction to what the Cardinals required to do in this agreement, which was to encourage faith, offer their trust in Murray and take the next step.

Murray's relationship with fans was in need of mending. The fans were hurt, driven by rumors of potential trades as well as a desire to leave Arizona. Then there was frustration over the fact that he was unable for a return to the field during losing a playoff game in the face of the Rams. When there needed to be even solid trust building on all sides but the Cardinals included this clause and completely destroyed the whole thing. Perception is now reset and the perception that Murray does not put in the effort -- or needs to be required cheap MUT 24 Coins to "love" football (a lengthy pre-draft stipulation due to his interest in baseball) remains in place.