Have you heard about our recent project with Coca-Cola? We created an interactive photo booth made up of mosaic murals through the magic of augmented reality. This project requires audiences to do something meaningful! Check out below to learn more about this project.

The project that we have created with Coca-Cola (Check: Coca-Cola x Selfie + Mosaic Mural) combines the power of augmented reality, interactivity, and sustainability. The objective of this project was to encourage audiences to be part of the campaign “May Ikabobote pa.” Truly, it creates an unforgettable experience for event attendees.

“May Ikabobote Pa”

At the heart of this campaign, the main point of this hybrid event was to promote the unused bottles not to be put into waste but rather have them recycled into something more useful. Moreover, the "May Ikabobote pa" campaign, loosely translated as "you can still recycle", is an initiative that supports a "World Without Waste." Individuals were invited to participate by interacting with Coca-Cola's iconic bottle.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/zdgw7dF7Wug?si =6BdpPEZTO0Aewe5e

The process was simple yet engaging. The participant is encouraged to put their Coca-Cola bottle in the trash bin at the side of the photo booth. This simple act will trigger the AR-powered LED to take a photo. These photos were then integrated into a mosaic mural that reflected the collective commitment of the attendees toward sustainability and recycling.

As a metaverse supplier in Singapore, Waveplay Interactive has transformed the typical event photo booth into something engaging. In the campaign, the participants weren't just taking selfies; they were actively contributing to a large and meaningful cause while having fun.

Interactive Photo Booth: The Highlight

The project highlights the potential of AR to create an immersive experience that goes beyond mere entertainment. It can be a powerful tool for conveying important messages and engaging audiences meaningfully. Truly, Waveplay Interactive has innovative AR solutions for a specific event.

As we move forward in the event industry, it's clear that immersive experiences and interactive photo booths like the one Waveplay Interactive designed for Coca-Cola are becoming the new norm. Brands and event organizers should take note of the potential of augmented reality in elevating their campaigns.

Waveplay Interactive continues to create supercalifragilistic events with different Brands in Singapore.  We integrate augmented reality as it has the potential to turn ordinary events into extraordinary ones.