In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of perfectly manicured nails is a priority for many. Press-on nails have gained immense popularity due to their convenience and affordability. Among the plethora of options available, Forever52 nail tips stand out as a reliable choice for achieving salon-quality nails at home. This guide will walk you through applying nail tips, providing valuable tips and tricks to ensure a flawless and long-lasting manicure. 

Getting Started: What Are Artificial Nail Tips? 

Before diving into the application process, it's essential to understand what nail stick ons nails are. These artificial nail tips come in various shapes, sizes, and designs. Press-on nails offer a quick and temporary solution to achieving beautiful nails without the commitment of acrylic or gel extensions. They are typically affixed to your natural nails using adhesive, making them ideal for special occasions or daily wear. 

Preparing Your Natural Nails 

  • Clean and Trim 

Start by ensuring your natural nails are clean and neatly trimmed. Use a nail clipper to shape them to your desired length, and then gently file the edges to create a smooth and even surface. 

  • Push Back Cuticles 

Push your cuticles gently using a cuticle pusher or an orangewood stick. This step will create a clean and well-defined nail bed for the nail tips to adhere to. 

Choosing the Right Size and Style 

  • Measure and Select 

Forever52 nail tips come in various sizes to accommodate different nail shapes and sizes. Take your time to find the press-on nails that best fit your natural nails. Lay them out before you begin the application process to ensure a seamless transition. 

  • Customize Your Look 

Artificial nail tips offer endless possibilities for creative designs and colors. Consider adding a personal touch with nail art or choosing a design that complements your outfit or mood. 

Applying Press-On Nail Tips 

  • Use Quality Adhesive 

Invest in a high-quality nail adhesive to ensure a secure and long-lasting bond between your natural and nail stick ons. Apply a small amount of adhesive to the back of the press-on nail, spreading it evenly to avoid excess glue seeping out. 

  • Press Firmly 

Press the nail stick ons onto your natural nail, starting from the cuticle and moving towards the tip. Hold it for a few seconds to allow the adhesive to set. 

  • Apply Pressure 

Use gentle but consistent pressure to ensure the artificial nails adheres evenly across your natural nail. This step is crucial to prevent air bubbles and ensure a smooth finish. 

Achieving a Professional Finish 

  • File and Shape 

Once the press-on nails are applied, a nail file smooths and shape the edges. This step will create a seamless transition between your natural nails and the artificial nails, giving your manicure a professional look. 

  • Nail Art and Decoration 

If you've chosen to incorporate nail art or decorations, now is the time to get creative. Use nail polish, stickers, or other embellishments to achieve your desired design. 

Maintaining Your Press-On Nails 

  • Nail Care Routine 

To prolong the life of your press-on nails, it's essential to maintain them properly. Avoid excessive exposure to harsh chemicals and water, as these can weaken the adhesive. Additionally, regularly apply a clear topcoat to seal the edges and prevent lifting. 

  • Gentle Removal 

Be patient and gentle when it's time to remove your artifical nails. Soak your nails in warm soap water for a few minutes to soften the adhesive. Then, gently pry the press-on nails away from your natural nails using an orangewood stick or a wooden cuticle pusher. 


Achieving a perfect manicure at home with press-on nails, such as Forever52 nail tips, is achievable with the right techniques and tools. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can enjoy salon-quality nails in the comfort of your own home. Remember to prioritize nail health and maintenance to ensure your press-on nails remain flawless and long-lasting. With a little practice and creativity, you'll be well on your way to enjoying stunning nails that enhance your overall look.