In the manufacturing of extruded feed, the major equipment is a screw fish feed pellet extruder. The material is fed right into the fish feed pellet extruder, as well as the screw screw presses the product to create an axial circulation.

At the same time, because of the mechanical friction between the screw and also the product, the product as well as the barrel, as well as the product inside the product, the material is strongly squeezed, mixed, as well as sheared, and also consequently, the product is further refined and co-opted.

As the stress progressively enhances, the temperature enhances accordingly. When the paste material is expelled from the die hole, under the action of a solid pressure difference, the material is puffed by a floating fish feed extruder machine, dehydrated and cooled down. The puffed item is loose, porous, crisp, and has excellent palatability and also taste.

The fish feed pellet extruder puffing modern technology breaks through the typical processing technology, makes the physical homes of the feed change qualitatively, considerably advertises the development of the feed handling sector and also the reproducing sector, and is a significant development in the feed industry.

The fish feed pellet extruder puffing process is a process that incorporates different operations such as mixing, kneading, shearing, home heating, and cooling. The following is a particular analysis from the aspects of thickness control, automatic control as well as energy conserving and usage decrease.

1. Density control modern technology

In the extrusion process of fish feed pellet extruder, there are many elements that impact the density of feed, such as processing technology, fish feed pellet extruder equipment, processing parameters, process control, feed raw materials, formula and so forth.

It is possible to control the item density by transforming the raw material or formula, but it has little application worth; by altering the screw arrangement, the density control of the extruded feed product can be understood, yet the operation is troublesome. Thickness control can additionally be achieved by readjusting the operating specifications.

On top of that, in the fish feed pellet extruder processing of marine feed, in order to meet the feeding needs of aquatic animals, the ups and also downs of marine feed should be controlled, and also the ups and also downs of feed are carefully pertaining to thickness, so density control is used in the manufacturing of marine extruded feed.

Innovation is particularly vital. Presently, regulating the thickness of extruded items is primarily achieved by regulating the pressure and temperature. The primary techniques are as follows:

( 1 )Open a stress alleviation opening on the extruding tooth cavity, and also connect the stress relief opening when generating floating feed, so as to satisfy the needs of heat and high pressure for handling floating feed.

Open the stress alleviation opening when feeding, to make sure that when the material gets to the stress alleviation hole, the stress in the sleeve is partially released, and at the same time, some water vapor is also discharged from the pressure relief hole.

These products are extruded by fish feed pellet extruder to the end of the extruding cavity and then compressed to obtain a heavy feed with high bulk density. This pressure alleviation opening can also be used to evacuate, so that the material loses part of the water vapor during the forced motion.

This fish feed pellet extruder process technique understands the control of the density of the extruded product by controlling the stress in the extruding tooth cavity, as well as the outcome will certainly not be influenced due to the fact that the feeding amount does not need to be lowered.

( 2) A stress regulating gadget is included the floating fish feed extruder machine (pressurization prior to the die). The stress policy of the fish feed pellet extruder is to install a shut-off valve between the extrusion dental caries and the discharge theme to readjust the pressure difference in between the extrusion tooth cavity and also the outside of the extrusion tooth cavity.

( 2 )Stress reducing innovation (post-mold pressure). A brand-new sort of thickness control system was established for aquafeed. This thickness control system of fish feed pellet extruder takes on pressurized reducing technology to maintain a particular favorable stress in the cutting chamber.

When the material enters the cutting chamber from the puffing chamber, given that the boiling point of water enhances with the stress, the flash evaporation can be reduced to control the level of development of the material, and the starch particles are promptly strengthened in the reducing chamber, and also the material no longer enters the normal stress from the reducing chamber.

The favorable stress of the cutting chamber can be realized by inputting compressed air with an air pump, as well as the fan can be turned off when releasing.

This fish feed pellet extruder process approach stays clear of managing other factors that influence the degree of expansion, thus decreasing the need for hands-on procedure, and also at the same time, the controllability is more powerful than various other techniques.

Today, this new fish feed pellet extruder modern technology has actually not been used in China, but this modern technology is superior to the exhaust technique in regards to density control of extruded products as well as procedure and also use, and also is a brand-new instructions for the development of extruded innovation.

( 4) Controlling the opening price of the template. By altering the opening rate of the discharge design template, the stress distinction prior to and after the template can be transformed, so as to accomplish the purpose of regulating the density of the item. The hole is blocked.

2. Automatic control of fish feed extrusion process

The automated control of the fish feed pellet extruder extrusion process refers to the quick as well as specific control of the process parameters by furnishing the extrusion equipment with a computer-aided control system.

The application of automatic control innovation in the fish feed pellet extruder puffing process can not just improve job efficiency, but also enhance product high quality security. Versions of automatic control in the house as well as abroad

There are studies on all sides. The automated control technology of the fish feed pellet extruder puffing process has actually made excellent progress, and also a visualization control system of the puffing process has actually been developed. The extruding system of fish feed pellet extruder based on repair industrial setup software application understands the visual control of the extruding process

The sensor can be made use of to conduct on-site detection as well as feedback on the operating parameters of the fish feed pellet extruder, instantly readjust the relevant working specifications of the floating fish feed pellet machine, and recognize various predetermined by the driver.

Functioning parameters, with formula storage space, record printing, alarm, vibrant display and recording of functioning specifications. Foreign computer system automatic control innovation has actually already been applied in the field of feed handling

In the entire fish feed pellet extruder process, it has actually been established from a solitary computer system control system to a sophisticated automated control system, which can display color images in the central control room, computer system program control and communication network for floating fish feed making machine operation, it can finish all production procedures without unmanned operation.

As a whole, the automatic control of puffing in feed handling abroad has been developing towards the direction of incorporating with product quality.

While the introduction of computers in my country is generally to fix the trouble of manufacturing automation, only concentrating on the monitoring of equipment procedure in the manufacturing process and the control of stand-alone equipment. It has actually not played its due function in boosting product quality as well as other facets.

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floating fish feed extruder machine

3. Energy conserving in extrusion process.

The trouble of power saving as well as intake decrease is the research focus in the fish feed pellet extruder extrusion process.

Currently, it is primarily through the research of reduced power consumption handling technology as well as the influence of main process specifications on power consumption, as well as the establishment of corresponding mathematical designs to accomplish the objective of energy saving as well as intake reduction.

In order to decrease the energy intake in the fish feed pellet extruder puffing process, some domestic feed manufacturers primarily take measures from the process. As an example, in the production process of suckling pig feed, the corn raw material used is not full puffed material, yet part of the puffed product and also part of the traditional material.

In the later fish feed pellet extruder granulation process, processes such as growth as well as reduced temperature level granulation are used to make certain that the power usage per unit product is decreased.

From the above evaluation, it can be seen that it is still a traffic jam trouble how the process criterion research study in the fish feed pellet extruder puffing process can be personified in decreasing power usage and also can be recognized in real manufacturing.

4. Application of extrusion in floating fish feed processing.

In recent years, the application of fish feed pellet extruder extrusion modern technology to feed manufacturing is an epoch-making jump in feed manufacturing technology. The major advantages of extruded granulation:

( 1 )The processing temperature is high and the wetness web content is large, and the product can be fully developed and also weakened. The pellets are of high quality and also the feed titer is high;
( 2 )The adjustable series of pellet thickness is big, which can adapt to the needs of different feeding things and also different feeding environments.

( 1) Puffed suckling pig feed

The essential indications of nursing pig feed are health as well as maturation to prevent suckling pigs from diarrhea. The raw materials are treated with heat and high pressure, on the one hand, it eliminates pathogenic germs, on the other hand, the starch product is completely cooked, and also the soybean healthy protein is denatured and purified, so that the material is simple to digest and absorb. Gelatinized starch can promote the production of lactic acid in pets and enhance the antibacterial capacity of animals.

( 2) Extruded water feed
The aquatic feedl is extruded and also granulated by fish feed pellet extruder, which improves the quality of the item from all elements.

① Improved feed titer. Extrusion ripens the starch, which is important for fish as raw starch is difficult to digest. The starch is cooked, the cohesiveness of the material is boosted, as well as the developing effect is good. On the property of guaranteeing the high quality of pellets, the formula can be adjusted to minimize prices.

② The floating time of pellets in water is controlled by the thickness of pellets, and also the thickness is identified by the degree of puffing by fish feed pellet extruder.

For that reason, by changing the formula, readjusting the range and also content of starch and also binder, and changing the process criteria, that is, changing the wetness, pressure, temperature level, etc, extruded pellets with different thickness can be created.

( 3) Puffed chicken feed

The formula of chicken feed contains high starch product and also 15% -20% healthy protein material at the same time. For this percentage, despite the completely dry floating pellet machine or the wet floating pellet machine, the technological efficiency is much better.

Experiments have revealed that puffing can boost the digestion and also absorption price of feed for chickens. Extruded chicken feed, as a result of its little bulk density, can decrease chicken feed consumption, avoid excessive weight, as well as enhance egg manufacturing.

( 4) Puffed livestock feed (urea puffed corn).

Ruminants such as livestock and also sheep can convert non-protein nitrogen (such as urea) into animal protein. The secret to adding urea to feed is how to control the enhancement amount, uniform feed consumption and also urea decay price. Urea-expanded corn addresses these problems most properly.

The urea, corn flour and ingredients are mixed in a specific percentage and after that enter the floating pellet machine, the corn flour is increased, as well as the gelatinized starch and also urea create a covering structure. Urease preventions hinder the task of urease. It prevents the release price of ammonia after urea decomposition from two elements, and also avoids ammonia poisoning caused by excess ammonia.

( 5) Rice bran conservation treatment.

Fresh rice bran includes very energetic lipolytic enzymes, which can swiftly disintegrate the oil consisted of in rice bran into cost-free lipids.

Fat and rancidity, so the storage performance of fresh rice bran is incredibly poor. The rancid and spoiled rice bran not just minimizes the oil return, but likewise affects the development as well as advancement of animals and also poultry if fed as feed.

As a result, fresh rice bran must be kept fresh in time. Extrusion, heat, high pressure and high shear can suspend lipase and also stop rancidity and damage. Extrusion has actually come to be a new pretreatment process in rice bran oil production.

( 6) Detoxification of oilseed dish protein.

In addition to soybean cake (dish), the cake (dish) gotten from rapeseed, cottonseed, sunflower seed, castor and various other oilseeds also consists of a specific amount of protein, which is an outstanding resource of feed healthy protein. Nevertheless, various oil cakes (consisting of soybean meal) can not be directly used to create feed, because they all contain a certain quantity of anti-nutritional elements or various other dangerous parts.

Oil cake (meal) have to be detoxed before it can be made use of. Detoxification approaches consist of chemical as well as physical approaches. Oilseed cake (meal) extrusion cleansing is a modern technology related to oil cake (dish) treatment by extrusion technology.

( 7) Plume puffing handling.

Because of the presence of disulfide bonds as well as hydrogen bonds in between feather polypeptide chains, the framework of plume healthy protein is particularly steady, and pet gastrointestinal enzymes are basically not able to digest as well as break down, so the plume extrusion modern technology has been established.

After the feather is extruded as well as puffed, its disulfide bond is damaged, the molecular structure is destroyed, and the gastrointestinal enzyme is simple to absorb and also break down, and the digestibility is improved. The digestibility is associated with the level of deterioration as well as extrusion temperature level.

When the floating pellet machine extrusion temperature is high, the digestibility of the puffed plume product increases, however the amino acid content of the item reduces alike, as well as the healthy protein top quality of the product decreases.

Plume dish has high healthy protein web content, yet the amino acid is not stabilized enough. In order to solve this issue, poultry viscera, poultry blood as well as plumes can be blended as well as processed right into digestive plume meal.

Fish feed pellet extruder extruding innovation is a feed handling technology developed at the end of the 20th century. Stress cutting has a great effect on regulating the thickness of extruded items, supplying a new technique for handling high-demand aquafeeds.

Making use of waste steam as well as waste warm for conditioning makes the pellet mill machine more environmentally friendly and adapts to the fad of the moments. Extrusion innovation of fish feed pellet extruder is widely used in marine, swine as well as ruminant feeds, which has a substantial impact on altering feed top quality and also minimizing expenses.

With the advancement of fish feed pellet extruder extruding technology, more thorough research is needed on just how to precisely control the expansiveness and extruding top quality of extruded feed, and boost the automation of extruding.