Indoor positioning systems are devices that help people by providing them with intuitive and real-time directions. There are so many benefits of using indoor positioning sensor because we all need to do tracking for different reasons. There are different reasons why people prefer to purchase tracking systems. 

The UbiTrack is one of the best brands that provides multi-dimensional indoor positioning solutions with a higher level of accuracy to its users. With the help of this Indoor Positioning System Bluetooth, you can have access to features like tracking playback, real-time positioning, alarm SOS, accurate face recognition, and many more. Let’s take a look at the different types of positioning devices.

Civilian Wristband

The TWC1 is basically a smartwatch that has a positioning tag on it. with the help of this smartwatch, you can track people such as elderly people. You should know that it uses the UWB positioning communication. It is a great watch that has functions like physiological monitoring, alarm, step counting, electronic fence, etc. The watch has an OLED display screen which allows you to measure your heart rate, see the time, notifications, and other important functions. You can charge this band with a Wristband Charging Cable.

Non-removable Wristband

The TWL2 is different from the first one as it is a non-removable wristband. It is used for the law and judicial settings. The functions of this wristband are that it is non-removable, positioning of the person, physiological monitoring, electronic fence, and setting up of the alarm. It is mainly used for custody monitoring purposes, special individuals, and in military training.

Positioning Badge

It is a card positioning tag which is usually used as a work tag for the positioning of a personnel. This positioning badge with screen consists of a UWB positioning communication feature. It allows you the track, and detect the motion, one-click alarm SOS, and contactless access to the door. The amazing fact is that it can also be used along with an optional e-ink screen for getting detailed information about the personnel. This wireless tracking badge is appropriate for use in prisons, hospitals, and exhibitions.

Indoor Anchor -A3

The A3 UWB Anchors For Indoor provides you with higher accuracy measurements compared to the other devices. The MCU of this device is efficient and proficient in supporting a huge number of tags at the same time. You can even customize the physical appearance of the anchor as you want. It is designed with a dual UWB chip along with a dual antenna which is great. The best feature of this tag is that it reduces the deployment costs.