Enter the revolutionary Long COVID Microclots Test by Apheresis Center, offering precise insights into hyper perfusion, hypercoagulability, and microclots. Our online Microclots Indication Test, meticulously developed by Dr. Aguirre-Chang and our expert team, provides a crucial understanding of your condition's severity. Wondering if further investigation is necessary? Let our test guide you.

Accurate Assessments: Our Microclots Test offers a comprehensive evaluation of hyperperfusion, hypercoagulability, and microclots in Long COVID, Post Vaccine Syndrome, MECFS, and other Chronic Illnesses.

Digital Precision: Developed with cutting-edge technology, the online test ensures accuracy and reliability, providing a clear indication of your condition's status.

Personalized Guidance: Based on your test results, our experienced team can recommend tailored treatments, therapies, and lifestyle adjustments to manage your condition effectively.

Empowering Patients: Understanding your health is the first step towards reclaiming your life. Our test empowers you with knowledge, enabling informed decisions about your healthcare journey.

Take control of your health today! Visit Apheresis Center and access our free online Microclots Test. Gain insights, find hope, and embark on your path to recovery. Your journey to wellness starts here!