The chances of getting an eye injury Oklahoma are more common than many people think. Some eye injuries lead to only temporary discomfort, but others can have a lasting impact on your quality of vision. As such, it is important to know how to prevent eye injuries.



Avoiding Eye Injury Oklahoma

The leading eye care professionals at BVA, including Dr. Britton, aim to help each patient maintain their eyesight. Here are a few simple steps you can take to protect your vision.



To Prevent Eye Injuries Indoors:

        Make sure that stairs are well-lit and handrails are correctly installed.

        Be careful when opening carbonated drinks or wine bottles.

        Wear chemical safety goggles when using hazardous solvents.

        Never mix cleaning agents together.

        Wash your hands thoroughly after using household chemicals.

        Before spraying something, turn the nozzle away from your face.



To Prevent Eye Injuries Outside:

        Wear sunglasses to protect from UVA and UVB rays (even on cloudy days).

        Never look directly at the sun (even during eclipses).

        Wear protective eye gear while mowing the lawn or using a weed trimmer.

        Follow directions and use guards when using power equipment.

        Wear proper safety gear during athletic activities (like goggles and helmets).

        Wear goggles while using devices that shoot pellets, arrows, and other projectiles.



When Is More Help Needed?

Remember that, even when taking precautions, eye issues are not entirely avoidable. As such, you should know:



What to Do If Your Eye Is Injured:

        If your eye was hit, apply a cold compress. Pain medication can help. Call a doctor if


there is bleeding, bruising, eyesight changes, or pain when moving.

        If your eye was scratched or lacerated, stay calm, keep your eyes closed, and have someone drive you to an ER.

        If an object hits you and is protruding from your eye, call 911 immediately.



When to Seek Out Eye Care:

Visit an eye doctor if you experience