What's crackin'? All beautiful people of the world. All good! We want to ask one question, ''How many people in your family, friends circle, and neighborhood have some sort of sciatica pain? Probably! 1/3rd of every middle-aged person. Isn’t? The numbers are this high as it is a common medical condition. The sciatica is the longest nerve in the human body, originating from the lower part of the spinal cord and extending down through the buttocks. Therefore, any direct or indirect injury to sciatica can result in severe back pain and neck pain. Now, the real question arises: how to get sciatica nerve pain relief

There are two types of sciatica treatment options: surgical and non-surgical. Since individual preferences vary, we will provide a compiled version of the most effective treatments for sciatica.

1.    Discectomy (Surgical Treatment): 

It is a renowned surgical treatment, particularly performed to treat damaged nerves in the body. Since a damaged herniated disc also causes sciatica pain, the Discectomy surgical procedure can help to alleviate this pain. A professional surgeon makes a small incision on the affected area. Using state-of-the-art equipment, a surgeon removes a damaged disc part, lowering sciatica pain. However, it should be remembered that the surgery may take a few weeks to recover fully. 

2.    Far-Infrared Sauna (Non-Surgical Treatment): 

You must have heard somewhere of ''SAUNA''. This portable device is the best sciatica treatment at home. Based on the advanced ultrasound technology, Far-Infrared Sauna emits far-infrared and ultrasonic radiations beneath the skin to alleviate pain and inflammation. It may help you treat every type of body pain, be it neck-related or lower body. You just need to sit in a sauna for 30-35 minutes by setting a temperature between 45 and 60 degrees Celsius. By doing this for a few weeks, you'll witness remarkable improvement. 

3.    Ice and Heat Therapy (Non-Surgical Treatment):  

Ask your grandparents or any older individual, ''how to treat sciatica pain naturally''? You'll definitely hear the words ICE AND HEAT THERAPY. Jokes apart, this therapy is undoubtedly among the best home remedies for sciatica pain. Rub ice cubes on the affected area for 15-20 minutes, then heat it properly for another 15-20 minutes. The effective results will be in front of you within a few days of doing this. 

4.    Stretching Exercises (Non-Surgical Treatment): 

At last, we have the treatment option that can be considered if any other on this list doesn't work out. Doing stretching exercises daily is an effective way to alleviate sciatica pain naturally. After waking up and drinking two glasses of water, perform exercises such as

ü  Knee-to-Chest Stretch 

ü  Seated Forward Bend

ü  Hamstring Stretch 

ü  Piriformis Strech 

If you're one of us who doesn't even know the ABC of exercises, consider seeking guidance from a professional physical therapist. 

Wrapping Up: 

Sciatica pain is a common clinical problem that can be treated through either surgical or non-surgical treatment. On experiencing any type of sciatica pain, consider these effective treatment options. At its initial stage, this pain may seem normal to you. However, over time, the condition gets worse and worse.