Over the past few years, men have started becoming more and more aware of the way they dress, the way they groom themselves, as well as the way they present themselves overall. From wearing more stylish clothing to taking better care of their skin, there are several different trends amongst men these days. In summary, the modern man has become far more self-aware. One trend that has been rife since the 2010s is the hipster beard. While the actual hipster trend may be long gone, the beard has stayed. Almost every other man you look at nowadays will have a beard, whether they are attempting to grow out a full, thick beard, partaking in “no shave November”, or simply too lazy to shave. (Information credit: https://www.modernhairbeauty.com/our-brands/seb-man/)

Whatever the case may be, if you are looking to take part in the trend, you need to ensure you purchase the best possible men’s beard grooming products in South Africa. Do not be fooled by the name. While they are considered “grooming products”, they will do a lot more than simply style your beard.

Think about this, why have you never grown a beard before? If you have, why do you think some of your friends tend to cave in and shave their facial hair before it gets to that sweet-spot length? Two words: beard dandruff. There is nothing worse than having to deal with the painful itch when trying to grow a beard, not to mention the dry, flaky skin that comes along with it when you cave in and scratch. This is why it is of utmost importance that you purchase the right men’s beard grooming products when attempting to grow your beard.

There are several different products available in South Africa that will not only condition your beard, but the skin beneath your beard too. Beard dandruff is essentially caused by your skin being too dry. Consider this – when you are growing your beard, and you apply moisturiser to your face, do you apply it to your beard too? I did not think so. Even if you were to apply your moisturiser to your beard, and attempt to rub it into your skin beneath your beard, there is no guarantee that your moisturiser will be able to absorb into your skin.

Therefore, when you want to grow a beard, it is recommended that you purchase a beard oil that will moisturise your beard, as well as the skin beneath your beard. When looking for these types of men’s beard grooming products in South Africa, ensure that they have the following ingredients in them: grape seed, jojoba, and almond and argan oils, as they contribute to keeping your beard and skin moisturised.

Another reason why you should invest in a beard oil is because they mask that funky beard smell. While some may find it appealing, others do not. If you want your beard to look, smell, and feel amazing, consider investing in a beard oil, or any other high-quality men’s beard grooming products for that matter.