Truck Accidents Lawyers near me

Truck accident lawyers are a special breed of attorneys. There’s a preponderance of information and changing regulations they need to know to properly represent you. Find the best truck accident attorney in New Jersey at RAM Law to get the best compensation after you’ve been in a trucking accident. These highly regarded trucking accident attorneys know how to navigate the various legal procedures and settlement processes. No matter what kind of truck or roadway is involved, your truck crash lawyer from RAM Law knows which direction to go. Call them as soon as possible following your accident to protect your rights.


Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

No matter what kind of accident you’re in, collisions can be overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. When your accident was caused by a commercial truck it can be much more devastating than a crash with a smaller vehicle. The sheer size and weight of an 18-wheeler or semi-truck cause serious injuries or even death.

Truck accident cases are much more complex than car accident cases. You’re best served by having a trucking accident lawyer with extensive experience in standing up to large trucking companies. You can be sure that insurance companies do everything in their power to avoid paying claims or to reduce the amount rewarded, including obtaining representation from high-powered corporate lawyers.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident in New Jersey, don’t settle for anything less than trucking accident lawyers with a proven record of success in truck injury cases. If you’re looking for the best truck accident attorney in New Jersey, you’ll find them in areas that RAM Law serves in NJ, where compassion and passion for victims of truck accidents is their calling.

Rebenack Aronow & Mascolo L.L.P.
111 Livingston Ave
New Brunswick, NJ, 08901
(732) 247-3600

Working Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.