How Long Should We Prepare Our Store Supplies Before Chinese New Year Holid?

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is a significant holiday. It occurs annually sometime between January 21 and February 20.

The holiday causes major disruptions and delays in shipping.

This is especially true if you have suppliers in China. It’s important to plan ahead and make sure your orders are booked well in advance.




The earlier you place your order the better

One of the best ways to improve your odds of getting your hands on some of that fresh produce is to place your order the night before. That way, you have more time to check out the upcoming sales and snag those elusive deals. The best part? The e display store will actually receive your items in plenty of time to get ready for the big event.

It’s also a good idea to have an updated inventory list on hand so that you don’t get caught off guard by last-minute orders.

The best way to do this is to create an Excel spreadsheet and keep it up-to-date at all times. You can also use it to track your order history so that you can better gauge your needs and your store’s bottom line. This can make a world of difference when you’re trying to figure out what products to stock up on before the holiday rush hits.

2. Don’t forget about your shipping partners

If you are a retailer, you need to be aware that your shipping partners will have long holidays during the Chinese New Year. This is especially important for those companies that rely on China as a major supply chain partner.

Many factories will shut down during the Chinese New Year, and this can have an impact on your shipments. You can minimize this disruption by planning ahead and preparing your supplies well in advance of the holiday.

You should get a clear picture of your shipping requirements and average transit times before Chinese New Year holid. This will help you to determine how much inventory you will need to order and when you should start ordering. You can also get a sense of which products will sell best around the holidays, and stock up on them in the months leading up to the event.

While it is essential to have a large amount of inventory on hand to ensure you can meet demand, it is also a good idea to make sure you have enough inventory to last until after the holiday ends. This will give you time to get your inventory back in the warehouse and ready for customers to purchase.

If you want to reduce the chance of shipping delays, consider dividing your shipment into multiple deliveries. This is particularly helpful if you have a lot of different items to ship, or if you are using different containers or carriers for each delivery.

For example, if you are shipping several containers to different countries, you can divide them into individual LCL shipments and bill them separately. This way, you can ensure that every container gets delivered on time.

Additionally, you should also try to plan shipments weeks in advance so that there are no last-minute issues with the shipping company or your suppliers. This is especially important if you are shipping over a month’s worth of inventory.

Whether you are shipping a few container loads or thousands of cartons, you can increase your chances of getting your shipments delivered on time by booking them in advance and choosing a reliable logistics provider. You should also get a clear picture of your shipping requirements, and communicate with your suppliers and customers as often as possible to keep everyone informed about any potential delays.



Keep in mind that Chinese New Year is a month-long holiday

If you’re in the business of supplying products to customers around the world, then you know how important it is for your supply chain to be prepared well ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday. This is especially true when it comes to the supply of products that are made in China.

During this time, many companies close their doors and employees return home to their families and friends. It’s a similar feeling to the Christmas holiday in the US, but it’s longer and more extensive.

For many of these Chinese people, their family traditions are the most important part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. During this time, they will gather together to share food and enjoy each other’s company.

The traditional foods served during the Chinese New Year celebrations include fried pork dumplings, spring rolls, and Tangyuan (sweet rice balls). Noodles are also eaten on this occasion as they symbolize longevity.

In addition to food, red packets of money are given out as gifts on this occasion. These packages are meant to bring good fortune and honor to the recipient.

Another tradition is the hanging of red diamond-shaped fu characters that are hung in front of the entrances of homes. These characters are a symbol of good luck, prosperity, and blessings for the year to come.

While the exact history of the Chinese New Year is unknown, some experts believe it originated in the Shang Dynasty and was a time when people offered sacrifices to their gods and ancestors. These sacrificial rituals began in order to appease the nian, or the year, as it was believed that a monster called Nian would attack villagers at the beginning of each new year.

In the years following the Zhou Dynasty, people started celebrating the New Year based on a lunisolar calendar that is a mix of lunar and solar cycles. It was also observed in countries with a significant population of Chinese citizens such as Indonesia, Malaysia, North Korea, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam.

4. Make sure you have enough inventory

If you’re a business that sells products through your own website or a third party FBA Amazon seller, Chinese New Year holid will likely have a significant impact on your sales. This is because manufacturers close their operations for up to three weeks before and during the holiday period, affecting your production and shipping schedules.

This means that it’s important to order inventory well in advance of the holiday. This will allow you to prepare your gondola store supplies and stock up on the most popular items before customers start shopping for them.

Another way to ensure that you have enough inventory is by working with your supplier to create a custom inventory program. These programs help your suppliers to analyze your forecasted usage, current inventory levels, and demand shifts before replenishing them.

The inventory program will allow you to know how much product you will need for the first part of next year and when you should begin to place your orders so that you can have a plan in place to get them back into your warehouses as quickly as possible after the holidays. This will help to avoid product shortages and delays in your supply chain.

Many factories shut down their production for the Chinese New Year since it is a long holiday and requires a lot of time off for workers. This is why it’s essential to have your inventory ready before this holiday, so that you can get your orders out of the way before the shutdown.

In addition to ensuring that you have the right amount of inventory, it’s also important to inspect your product carefully before and after the Chinese New Year. This is because, while factory employees are on holiday, they may take shortcuts or have a harder time ensuring quality for their products.

As a result, you could end up with a low-quality run of goods that you aren’t compensated for. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of seasonal stock goods like Valentine’s Day and springtime, so that you can ensure your customers receive the items they need in time.