When it comes to installing a fire sprinkler system for your home, it stands out as a big task. You must obtain the system from a trusted fire sprinkler supplier Philippines, follow a step-by-step process, and use the right tools to install the system on your own.

Companies that provide sewerage systems in Philippines have said that fire sprinklers can lessen property damage during a fire. Besides that, these systems can help save lives. But to make sure they are highly-effective, you have to install them correctly.

Furthermore, you can choose the type of fire sprinkler you need for your home so that it functions well when a fire takes place.

Types of fire sprinklers worth opting for 

You will come across various kinds of fire sprinklers, which you can install at your residential property. Some of these systems are:

  1. The Wet System 

These types of fire sprinklers are normally installed at homes. They can dispel water at the location where the fire took place and reduce or dampen the flames. During the wet system, the head of all the sprinklers will get triggered independently and release all the pressurized water when the system senses the heat.

  1. The Dry System 

The dry fire sprinkler systems will not have water stored in the pipes. Rather than that, they will utilize pressurized air or nitrogen.

When the fire sprinklers sense heat, it will get activated immediately, the nitrogen is released, and after that, the water flows through the pipes and then sprays right onto the flames.


For all those residential properties that are located in cold regions, where the chances of pipes bursting are high, using the dry system in such conditions is an excellent choice.

  1. The Pre-Action System 

This type of system is another kind of dry pipe sprinkler system. But it will enable the system to shut down when there is a false alarm right before the water supply begins to spray. But there is a process that the pre-action system follows.

Firstly, the water fills up the pipes, and lastly, all the sprinkler’s head gets activated individually. But the pre-action system is not a great choice for a residential property.

  1. The Deluge System 

These types of fire sprinkler systems are ideal for industrial facilities instead of commercial or residential spaces. The is also a dry pipe system that stays open but doesn’t have a heat sensor located in the sprinkler head.

You have to activate/trigger the Deluge System through an external heat sensor. Once it’s activated, the waterfalls instantly from the sprinkler’s head.

One Last Thought

Fire sprinkler systems are ideal for all types of properties, including industrial ones. They can reduce property damages and also save the lives of people effectively. You can easily install these systems on your property by following a proper guide and using the right tools. Otherwise, you can call in a professional to install the fire sprinkler system on your property.

Source: https://buzziova.com/installing-fire-sprinklers-at-home-4-types-of-fire-sprinklers-to-opt-for/