Are you looking for a Shamanic Healer in Dubai? Energy healing is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help people find ways to heal themselves and get back into balance. It is becoming increasingly popular as more individuals seek alternative methods of healing. Finding the right shamanic healer in Dubai can be difficult, as there are many practitioners who work in this field. However, there are a few key qualities that you should look for in order to ensure that you find the most suitable healer for your needs.


Research Different Types of Energy Healers

Researching different types of energy healers is an important part of finding the right one for you. There are many different types of shamans, including traditional shamanism, indigenous healing, and modern-day energy work. Each type has its own techniques and methods that can help you reach your healing goals.

Traditional shamanism is an ancient practice used to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual illness. It involves the use of chanting, drumming, and other rituals to invoke a healing state. Indigenous healing is based on the belief that each individual has their own unique spirit energy which can be accessed in order to restore balance and harmony. Modern-day energy work uses techniques such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and crystal healing to restore balance and harmony.


Ask Questions About Their Practice

When looking for a shamanic healer in Dubai, it is important to ask questions about their practice. Take the time to find out more about their approach, experience, background, and qualifications. This will help you determine whether or not they are the right fit for you.

It is also important to ask about their methods of healing. Different shamans use different techniques, such as chanting and drumming or crystal healing and Reiki. Ask them about their approach in order to gain a better understanding of how they can help you reach your healing goals.


Ensure That You Find The Right Fit

Finding the right shamanic healer in Dubai is essential to achieving your desired healing goals. When looking for a healer, it is important to find someone who resonates with you on an emotional and spiritual level. It is also important to find someone with whom you feel comfortable talking about your experiences and feelings.

Take the time to speak with potential healers and get to know them. Ask questions about their practice and background, as well as how they approach healing. This will help you determine if the healer is a good fit for your needs.

Finally, make sure that the healer’s beliefs align with yours. For example, some healers may have different approaches when it comes to spiritual healing or meditation techniques. Ensure that the healer’s beliefs align with your own in order to ensure that you can trust and feel comfortable with them.


Look Into References and Testimonials

Once you have found a shamanic healer in Dubai who resonates with you, it is important to look into their references and testimonials. References and testimonials provide an opportunity to hear from past clients about their experiences with the healer, which can give you a better understanding of what to expect.

When looking at references or testimonials, make sure to look for details about how the healing process went, how long it took, and if there were any issues that arose during treatment. It is also important to look for details about how the healer helped the individual reach their healing goals. This will give you an idea of what kind of results and progress you can expect after engaging in a shamanic healing session with the right practitioner.


Be Open to The Healing Process

When looking for a shamanic healer in Dubai, it is important to be open to the healing process. The healing process may look different for each individual, as there are many variables that can affect the outcomes. It is important to keep an open mind and trust in the healer’s experience and expertise.

Additionally, don’t expect results overnight. Healing takes time and patience. Be prepared to be patient and committed to the process. This will ensure that you have realistic expectations and are able to achieve your desired outcomes in a reasonable timeframe.



Finding the right shamanic healer in Dubai can be an important step in your spiritual and holistic journey. Not all practitioners have the same skills and knowledge - so it’s important to take the time to research different healers before committing to any one. Word of mouth, reputation and online reviews are all great tools for finding the best healer for you personally, but don’t forget to use your own intuition as well. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide who is the best fit for your spiritual and healing needs. At Hub of Consciousness, Energy Healing Dubai we believe that everyone should have access to knowledgeable and experienced healers that specialize in Shamanic healing practices.