When traveling, luggage is the choice of many people. So, how to clean and maintain luggage fabric? The following introduces the maintenance precautions of leather and cloth luggage fabric.

Leather luggage fabric:

1. Do not wash with water. The correct way to clean up the dust on the surface of the bag is to wipe it with a dry cloth dipped in water or cleaning fluid;

2. Wipe the leather bags in the direction of the fur;

3. The care products used during cleaning and maintenance of leather bags must not contain acidic or alkaline ingredients, nor should they contain volatile ingredients;

4. To store leather bags out of season, they should be placed in a ventilated cabinet, and care should be taken to avoid squeezed, twisted, mildew, etc. when storing.

Cloth luggage fabric:

1. When cleaning cloth luggage, the strap should be removed before cleaning;

2. When cleaning cloth luggage, prevent the fabric from fading;

3. If the cloth luggage is stained with deep dirt, add a little soda water when cleaning.

I believe you will gain something after reading this article. Hangzhou Xiaoshan Zhengda Textile Co., Ltd. can provide high-quality and low-cost luggage fabric, please contact us to buy.