When you embark on a journey towards achieving your flexibility goals, it can be tempting to want quick results. We often get impatient, expecting to touch our toes or do a split within a few weeks. 

However, as with any worthwhile endeavor, attaining true flexibility is a gradual process. It's about creating a new habit and building a strong relationship with your body rooted in respect, self-love, patience, and understanding.

Reaching your flexibility goals is not a sprint but a marathon. And embracing a long-term flexibility and mobility training program from the beginning paves the way for consistent, sustainable progress. 

Why commit to a 12 month fitness plan

Committing to a 12 month fitness plan allows you to cultivate and embrace the long-term mindset. It isn't just about learning stretching exercises. It's about developing habits and routines that will benefit you in the long run.

A well-structured flexibility plan outlines your journey month by month, setting incremental targets to work towards. It provides a clear path that takes you from point A, your current state, to point B, your desired flexibility goals. 

Think of your plan as a map to your fitness goals 

A proper plan sets you on a guided journey toward improved flexibility and mobility, taking the guesswork out of your routine. 

You’ll have a clear idea of what to do each day, each week, and each month, preventing stagnation and ensuring continuous progress. The best part? You get to witness your transformation, which is as satisfying as it is motivational.

Learning to manage expectations

When our expectations don’t meet with reality, and the results take longer than we’d like, it’s easy to feel demotivated and defeated. And to avoid that dip requires a mindset shift.

Adopting a long-term fitness and flexibility plan provides perspective and protects you from the disappointment of unreasonable expectations.

When you’re in it for the long haul, you don’t get stuck on feeling bad about missing a workout. You’ll have good and not-so-good days, but you also know that each day is a step closer to your goals, whether you perceive it as good or bad. 

You know that a missed workout here or there doesn’t make any difference in the long term.

The long-term approach fits into your lifestyle

Instead of putting your life on hold for a short-term challenge, you’ll find a way to make your flexibility practice work with your lifestyle. 

After all, if you can stick to your practice when you’re busy, you can do it anywhere. 

Encouraging patience and self-forgiveness

Having a long-term view allows you to appreciate the small victories, like the slight increase in your range of motion. Each tiny success is a stepping stone toward your larger goal.

Moreover, this approach fosters self-forgiveness. Committing to a long-term plan makes you more likely to forgive yourself if you miss a day or two of your routine. 

After all, you have an entire year to make progress. This can be incredibly beneficial for your mental wellbeing, helping to avoid burnout and maintain motivation.

Using STRETCHIT to achieve your goals

Now that we've covered why the mindset shift to a long-term approach helps you reach your flexibility goals, let's look at the how. 

STRETCHIT provides a range of stretching videos for beginners and workouts, plans, and programs for the more advanced. It forms a complete flexibility and mobility training program to help you reach your goals. 

Whether you're a beginner starting with gentle stretches or an experienced athlete looking to deepen your practice for your sport, STRETCHIT has something for everyone.

Stop second-guessing what to do

STRETCHIT’s well-structured plans and challenges provide a clear roadmap, removing the guesswork from your routine. 

The stretching videos in the app provide clear, expert guidance, ensuring you can safely and effectively work towards your flexibility goals.

Staying motivated and engaged with your flexibility practice

No one likes to do the same thing over and over again. STRETCHIT keeps you engaged with various workouts and challenges, all tailored to reach your flexibility goals while enjoying the process. 

And you can track your progress within the app to remind you how far you’ve come from where you started.

Embrace the year of transformation and embark on your journey toward improved flexibility and mobility. With a detailed but flexible 12 month fitness plan, patience, and a little self-forgiveness, you're well on your way to reaching your long-term flexibility goals. 

By focusing on improving your flexibility and mobility, not only can you enhance your overall fitness levels, but you can also positively impact your everyday life.

Click here to try the STRETCHIT app for free with a 7-day trial.