If you're looking for some stress-relieving activities, you might want to try some recreational activities like hobbies, games, or extra fun. Putting leisure time into your schedule can be the key to feeling your best

Release stress by listening to music
Listening to music can help your body relax and change your mood in a more positive direction. In particular, slow-paced instrumental music can induce a relaxation response by helping to lower blood pressure and heart rate and release stress hormones.

Cleaning the house
Cleaning the house, vacuuming, washing dishes, washing clothes, arranging furniture are not tiring jobs, but on the contrary help reduce stress. According to UNI news agency, scientists from University College London (UK) came to this conclusion after surveying 20,000 people. The results show that just 20 minutes a week of house cleaning can help you reduce stress.

Relieve stress and tension with lemon
According to the NCBI Web site - National Center for Biotechnology Information, which conducted a randomized study on 20 people, the results showed that just inhaling a lemon within a few minutes can bring about a very effective change. mood. Specifically, the emanating aroma of lemon will stimulate the activity of the sense of smell and brain nerves, thereby reducing the level of stress and fatigue in a short time.

How to reduce stress with deep breathing
Tired, uncomfortable body often makes itself lose control by its negative behaviors and emotions and often make wrong decisions. Therefore, in order to calm yourself down and solve the problem in the most gentle and reasonable way, breathing deeply and regularly will help improve psychological efficiency. Holding your breath and counting from one to five helps to relax your body and mood.

Exercise, play games
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress in the body because it reduces cortisol – this is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands during times of stress, anxiety, anger or fear. Also you can play some relaxing games like Eggy Car. Cortisol can raise blood pressure, raise blood sugar levels, and lower the body's immunity.

Relieve stress by staying positive
According to statistics, people with an optimistic spirit often overcome stress more easily than those with negative thoughts. Therefore, when experiencing stress, you need to learn to think simply and positively in all matters, which not only helps to improve your mood but also helps you confidently "clean up" the troubles in work and life. .