Are you are on the lookout for the best hair extensions for you? If yes, then look no further and rely on raw Cambodian hair. Raw Cambodian curly hair seems to be ideal for women who opt for curly hairstyles. Cambodian extensions are created from Cambodian hair and they are regarded as one of the most prevalent choices for countless women across the globe. Raw Cambodian hair extensions seem to be well-known among UK women too. These hair extensions seem to be voluminous, radiant, and rich. Again, they have a perfect glamour appeal too.

How can you prevent the tangling of Raw Cambodian hair?

Even though Cambodian hair extensions are created from 100 percent Remy human hair, they do tangle and it is pretty normal. These tangles caused due to the friction that natural hair causes because of rubbing against hair extensions. Hence, women are suggested not to sleep wearing these hair extensions. They are also required to take off these extensions when they swim or take a shower. It will mix the entire hair and form knots. For keeping your hair extensions tangle-free, brush it with a paddle brush. This way, even if you will be out, you can always give your hair extensions a fast run-through. However, you need to brush your extensions before you apply as well as remove them.

The method to lessen shedding

On average, natural hair sheds nearly one hundred strands each day, and as Cambodian hair extensions are created from natural hair only, women see some shedding all through their lifespan. When they style or brush their extensions, they come across a little shedding. However, they must not become surprised if they see something like this happening. If you wash your extensions repeatedly, they will dry out, and it will cause the hair to shed. Now if you use more products you will require washing your extensions more. So, it would be a wise idea to use only some products to style your hair.

As Cambodian hair extensions are found with a healthy and beautiful finish, you need not use many products for enjoying them. And to get a more hold when you curl your extensions, you should pin up your curls and leave them for some hours or overnight. It will help the curls remain intact in one place even when you don’t use any kind of hairspray. Always opt for a lightweight hairspray only that you can brush through easily. An extra-strength hairspray does the job of clogging the extensions and it will require you to wash the extensions more.

The verdict

As everyone has got different hair types, you need to pay attention to your natural hair and then choose extensions. However, you can always opt for raw Cambodian curly hair as this kind of hair looks lovely and remains in good condition for many years. Elleloise Hair has an attractive stock of raw Cambodian hair directly procured from the original Cambodian women.