You need a quality extension cord to use your gaming PC or console outdoors on your porch, patio, or backyard. A quality extension code should be a high-power code if you plan to build a super cool gaming shed but want to perform some tests before connecting your gaming setup to the power grid.

Extension cords may not be a long-term solution for powering your console or gaming PC; however, you must choose the right one. This household device is relatively low cost, but ensure you get a superior extension code to prevent severe consequences. Here is how to select the most appropriate extension code for your gaming setup. 


1. Look for an Electrical Cord With In-built Switch


If you want an extension cable that lets you turn on or off the power without necessarily plugging it out of the power outlet, choose an extension cord with switch. With it, you can turn on or off multiple devices simultaneously. Such extensions can save energy by turning off devices you are not using.

Extension cords with inbuilt switches are convenient because they let you turn off or on multiple gadgets at once without unplugging individual devices. They are safe, meaning the inbuilt switch can help prevent electric fires as they can prevent devices from drawing too much power or overheating when using high-powered electronics.

2. Look at the Amperage Rating


When selecting an extension cable, the amperage rating is important because it determines how much current the cable can carry safely. Extension cables with too low an amperage rating can overheat easily and cause fires. To choose the right amperage, first check the amperage rating of the devices you will attach to the extension. In this case, the amperage rating of your gaming setup is labeled on the device at the power input area. 

It is always denoted in amps. With this information, look for an extension with the same or more amperage rating as your gaming setup. For instance, if your gaming setup demands 15 amps, look for an extension with more or equal to 15 amps. A light-duty extension cable should have an amperage rate of 10 amps, a medium-duty extension cable, 10 to 20 amps, and heavy-duty,20 amps and more.

3. The Gauge


The gauge of a cable refers to its thickness. A lower gauge number means the cable is thicker. A thicker cable carries more power. A gaming setup needs a code rated at least 14 gauge. A gaming PC and a TV are high-power devices, so you may need to use a 12-gauge extension cable.

The gauge rating of a power extension cable also affects the maximum amperage that the cable can withstand. If the maximum amperage is exceeded, the cable will start overheating and cause a fire. It also affects the length of the cable, such as the longer the cable, the lower the amperage rating it can carry. Longer cables have more resistance to the electricity flow. 

4. Consider the Length of the Cable



The length of your extension cable depends on how far you want to set up your gaming console from the power outlet. Choose one that is rated for your required length. The length of the cable can affect its performance in three ways. It affects the power output, given that the longer it is, the more power it loses, causing your gaming setup not to perform well or sometimes even shut down. Length also affects latency. 


Latency means a delay between the time you switch on the power and the time action displayed on your power setup's screen. The longer the cable, the more latency there is. That can pose a great challenge, especially if you are playing a fast-paced game where the slightest latency makes a difference. There is also the safety aspect of the length of a cable. The longer it is, the more likely it is to overheat and cause fire, especially if you use it on a high-powered gaming setup. Therefore always choose a short extension or one rated for the required length. 

5. Read Reviews Before Purchasing



Always read reviews to ensure the cable you want to buy is compatible with your gaming setup because extension cables are not equal. Most work better for specific gadgets, while others don't. Reviews also affirm that the cable is of the right length. Again you get an idea of the quality of the extension cable by reading reviews. You will see what other buyers say about the type of extension cable you are about to purchase. Many negative reviews mean red flags. Reviews help you get value for your money. 



These are a few points to note whenever you shop for the right extension cable for your gaming setup. Always remember that the best one should have an inbuilt switch for switching on and off without interfering with other plugged-in gadgets. Remember to get the right gauge, length, the suitable amperage rating. Finally, reviews play a significant role in decision-making. Read them.