Hail damage is something no car owner wants to deal with. Driving in severe weather is bad enough. It causes increased anxiety and stress while you are driving, and you quickly become a ball of nervous energy. Your driving through the storm and survive. You make it home and get in safely. You think the worst is over. You wake up the next morning, go to get in your car. Suddenly, you find yourself in panic mode. Your car has new damage from the hail that was pouring down during the storm last night. What can you possibly do? Here are some ways you can handle vehicle damage due to hail.

The first thing you need to do is contact the insurance provider. You should not wait. This step needs to be done immediately. Your insurance, unless you have liability insurance only, typically covers damage caused by severe weather; especially if that damage occurs when you are not parked in your home. If you are at home when it occurs, contact your homeowner’s insurance company. They may cover the cost of storm damage to a vehicle on your property. This occurs in rare cases.

Next, discuss the steps of the repair. You want to communicate both with the professional that is conducting the repairs and the insurance. There are times that the metal may require replacement. If it is replaced, it is probably going to be painted. Typically, paintless dent removal is the process utilized for hail repair. This process commonly referred to as PDR, is when special molded tools are used so the finish is not ruined. Both manufacturers and dealers utilize this technique, and the process does not negate warranties in place that covers paint. PDR is not possible with larger or excessive dents, so communication is a must.

You must take your vehicle to a reputable professional. Make sure to ask questions. If PDR is being completed, ask them the technique. They should tell you that they are going to use a tool on the outside of the dent so that they do not have to drill holes. Once you have found the technician, ask them the amount of time it will take them to complete the task. PDR is effective for dents and can sometimes be completed rather quickly. However, depending on the amount of work due to the storm, it could take longer.

Once the repairs have been done, make sure that you inspect the work before leaving. Look at it in different ways and take your time. Do not remove your vehicle from the lot until you have thoroughly inspected it and made sure all dents were repaired and the work is satisfactory. Finally, do not forget to ask about guarantees for the work being completed. Make sure you have a hard / written copy of the details signed by the technician and yourself.