
Reading hands and predicting your Past, Present, and Future.

The science of reading hands and predicting your Past Present & Future basis the lines on your hands with the combination of Date of birth Time of Birth & Place of Birth

The person behind Aarrnss Palmistry


As a child I grew up with my paternal grandmother, hearing her read the hindu scriptures and religious texts and the stories that she would tell. From her I learnt the importance of the planets that govern us and how each time phase in a day and in our life period affects us. 


These stories and life examples grew with me and instilled my faith in the unknown and the life that was beyond what all of us see. So my spiritual journey started very early in life. Seeing an Indian political leader's death, a neighbor's early death, a colony couple's broken marriage, a girl child to be born to a friend's sister were incidents that I had prior knowledge of and  that formed a part of my teenage years. 


During my engineering days I found myself making more predictions based on the hands that I would see in the passing, but kept it to myself, afraid of being made fun of by my peers for believing in something that the larger population felt was not science. The turning point was when I saw my close friend's death two years in advance and then experienced it two years later in the same way that I had seen.The thought that, had I not kept my mouth shut may have helped my friend’s life weighs high on me even today.