Yerevan Haybusak University is a well-known school in Armenia with a full Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme. Yerevan Haybusak University makes it easy for people who want to become doctors to get an education because it is committed to academic greatness and puts the student first.

Why Choose Yerevan Haybusak University for MBBS?

There are several good reasons to study for your MBBS at Yerevan Haybusak University:

Academic Excellence: Yerevan Haybusak University is known for its strong academic programmes and dedication to giving a good education. The university has a full curriculum that includes both academic and practical training. This makes sure that students get a well-rounded education in medicine.

Faculty with a lot of experience: The university is proud of its highly qualified and experienced faculty, who are committed to shaping the next generation of medical workers. They help students build a strong base in medical sciences and clinical skills by giving them advice, mentoring, and support.

Modern Facilities: Yerevan Haybusak University has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities, such as well-equipped libraries, simulation centres, and labs. These tools help students learn more by giving them hands-on training and real-world experience.

Clinical Training: The university works with well-known hospitals and health care centres to give students valuable chances for clinical training. Students can watch and help take care of patients under the watchful eye of experienced medical workers. This helps them improve their practical skills.

Affordable Tuition Fees: Yerevan Haybusak University has reasonable tuition fees for foreign students, which makes it a good choice for people who want to get a good education at a reasonable price.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republic of Armenia has given Yerevan Haybusak University its seal of approval. The MBBS degree from the university is recognised around the world, so graduates can go on to study more or practise medicine in other countries.

Students at Yerevan Haybusak University are exposed to a multicultural atmosphere because there are people from many different countries studying there. This international setting makes it easy to learn about other cultures, work together, and meet new people.

Structure of Yerevan Haybusak University Fees for 2022-23

Yerevan Haybusak University's fee system can change based on the programme and the year of study. For full and up-to-date information about fees and payment schedules, you should talk to the university or look at their official website.

How to Get into Yerevan Haybusak University to Study MBBS?

To get into Yerevan Haybusak University's MBBS programme, candidates must meet the following requirements:

Age: Applicants must be at least the minimum age set by the school or the relevant governing body.

Academic Requirements: Students should have a strong background in science topics like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, and should have finished high school or the equivalent.

Language skills: At Yerevan Haybusak University, classes are taught in English, so you must be able to speak and write in English. Applicants may need to show that they know how to speak English by taking tests like the IELTS or TOEFL.

Entrance Exam: Applicants to the MBBS programme may have to take an entrance exam at Yerevan Haybusak University to see how smart and qualified they are.

How to Get into Yerevan Haybusak University?

Most of the time, the following steps are taken to get into Yerevan Haybusak University:

Submission of an Application: Students who want to apply should send their completed application form and the necessary papers directly to the university or through an authorised agent.

Document Verification: The university checks the submitted papers, which may include academic transcripts, proof of identity, certificates of language proficiency, and any other certificates that are needed.

Entrance Exam: Some universities may give a test or discussion to new students to see how smart they are and if they are a good fit for the programme.

Admissions Decision: The university decides whether or not to let someone in based on how well they did on their application and entrance test. Those who are chosen get an offer letter or confirmation of acceptance.

Application for a Visa: Students who have been accepted must apply for a student visa at the Armenian embassy or consulate in their home country. They should bring the necessary documents, such as a confirmation of admission, a valid passport, and proof that they have enough money.

After getting the student visa, students can make plans to go to Yerevan, Armenia, and arrive there. It is best to let the university know about their trip plans ahead of time.

Finishing the Admissions Process: When students arrive, they have to finish the rest of the admissions process, which includes paying fees, giving original papers, and getting medical insurance.

Yerevan Haybusak University has a hostel and places to stay.

International students can stay in a hotel at Yerevan Haybusak University. The hostels are well-kept and provide nice places to stay. Most of the time, the rooms are shared and have basic things like beds, work tables, chairs, and storage space. There are also common areas with stoves, laundry rooms, places to hang out, and Internet connections. Students can choose to stay in one of the university's dorms or look into private housing choices near campus.

Costs of Living

For most foreign students, the cost of living in Yerevan, Armenia, is not too high. The exact costs of living will rely on each person's preferences and way of life. But on average, students can expect to pay for housing, food, transportation, study materials, and personal costs. It is a good idea to plan a budget and make sure you have enough money for the whole programme.

Why do MBBS in Armenia?

Studying MBBS in Armenia has a number of benefits for people who want to become doctors:

Quality Education: Armenian universities have high academic standards and offer quality education in the area of medicine. The curriculum is meant to give students the information and skills they need to become good doctors.

Affordable Tuition Fees: Compared to other countries, the cost of getting an MBBS in Armenia is not too high. The tuition costs aren't too high, so a wider range of kids can go there.

International Recognition: MBBS degrees from universities in Armenia are recognised all over the world. Graduates can work as doctors or continue their education in many places around the world.

English-Medium Instruction: There are MBBS programmes taught in English at many universities in Armenia. This makes it easier for foreign students who already know English to learn.

Armenia is known for its long past, rich cultural heritage, and many different customs. When students study in Armenia, they can be immersed in a multicultural setting that helps them broaden their horizons and grow as people.

Why studying MBBS in Armenia is a Good Idea?

There are many perks to studying MBBS in Armenia, such as:

International Experience: When students study in Armenia, they are exposed to an international setting where they can meet people from other countries and cultures. This helps them learn how to communicate with people from other cultures and adapt to new situations, which prepares them for working in healthcare around the world.

Clinical Experience: There are many chances for clinical training and hands-on experience at medical schools in Armenia. Students have access to hospitals and other health care facilities that are well-equipped so they can use what they have learned in the classroom in real-life settings.

Focus on Practical Skills: Both academic and practical skills are emphasised in MBBS programmes in Armenia. This way of teaching lets students learn the clinical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that are necessary for a successful job in medicine.

Chances to do research: Armenian universities encourage medical study and new ideas. Students can take part in study projects and help make progress in health care.

Safe and Friendly Place to Live: Armenia is known for its friendly people and safe place to live. International students can focus on their studies and personal growth in a peaceful and helpful environment in the country.

We can help you get into MBBS at Yerevan Haybusak University

We know how important a smooth admissions process is for people who want to become doctors. Students who want to get their MBBS at Yerevan Haybusak University can get help and advice from our team. Our services include:

Application Guidance: We help students fill out their applications correctly and give them advice on the papers they need.

Preparing for Entrance Exams: We offer support and tools to help students prepare for entrance exams or interviews, making sure they are ready to show what they can do.

Visa Application Support: Our team helps and guides students through the entire process of applying for a student visa, making sure they have all the right papers and meet the requirements.

Pre-Departure Help: We help students plan their travel, find places to stay, and do other important things before they leave on their educational path.

Ongoing Support: We help students with their studies and answer any questions or worries they might have throughout their time at Yerevan Haybusak University.

We try to make the process of getting into medical school as easy as possible so that students can focus on their studies and follow their dreams of becoming great doctors.

In conclusion,

learning MBBS at Yerevan Haybusak University in Armenia is a good choice. It is a good place to learn for people who want to become doctors because of its strong academics, experienced teachers, low tuition, and diverse cultural environment. A well-rounded medical education is made possible by the university's full curriculum, modern facilities, and clinical training chances. There are many benefits to studying MBBS in Armenia, such as foreign recognition, chances to do research, and a safe and friendly environment. Our team is committed to helping students through the admissions process, so they can start their education at Yerevan Haybusak University without any trouble.