How to cancel your flight booking online? First, go through Avianca Cancellation Policy then cancel your ticket through the provided steps

Visit the Avianca Airlines website, log in to your records, and click on the alternative method of "My Booking Transaction". ·Enter your reservation number and last name, and click directly. ·Search for the ticket you want to request for cancellation, and then select "Cancel Bookings". After that clicking on the description including the "Affirm" (confirm) symbol, please confirm that you want to delete the request.Check your registration email to confirm confirmation of ticket return and discounts based on organizational standards (if any). If there are still any problems with the abolition and discount strategies, there are still opportunities at this time. At this time, please call Avianca Airlines Phone Number and directly contact the team for help. All questions will be understood in a short time. Loyal Airlines ensures that no matter which class you wish to take, you can enjoy a luxurious and quiet travel experience