A dissertation must include aims and objectives, says dissertationteam. When you write your aims and goals effectively, they will act as the foundation for giving clarity and focus to your research.

This article provides you with the information you need about aims and goals, their differences,tips and common mistakes to avoid when writing them.


It is usually a sentence or short paragraph that states the main purpose and goal of your dissertation. The aim is what you want to achieve by the end. The aim should be written in a way that you can identify it when your dissertation is completed.

Employees in multicultural workplaces often struggle to work well in teams. This issue may be caused by bullying in the workplace. This study investigates the impact that bullying has on employee satisfaction in culturally diverse work environments and the loss of productivity as a result. This research will analyze the impact on employees of bullying using surveys and case studies.


In a dissertation, the objectives describe how you plan to accomplish the research goal. The objectives are statements that divide the research aim into smaller sections. The right objectives will help you to stay focused on your goal and carry out research that is in line with it.

Each objective should be achievable. This example illustrates the goals for the dissertation goal that was previously mentioned.


1. Identifying the bullying behaviors
2. Exploring the factors that lead to bullying in a multicultural workplace
The relationship between bullying and employee satisfaction
4. Providing suitable recommendations to minimize bullying at work

The dissertation's objectives should be SMART.

  • Specific: must be focused, precise and well-defined
  • Measurable : The progress should be measured, and you should know when you've achieved your goal.
  • Achievable : You should be able carry out the action required within your resources
  • Relevance: should relate to the dissertation goal
  • Time-bound must be completed within the time available

Differences between goals and objectives

There are distinct differences between goals and objectives, even though they are often mixed.

Aims Objectives
What are you aiming to achieve with your research? Focus on "how" to achieve your goal Usually written in broad terms, covering the entire dissertation Specific statements that describe the steps to achieve the research goal It is written in a short paragraph or as a simple sentence Lists should be numbered.
Focus on long-term results Focus on immediate and short-term outcomes.