Once you register you will be prompted to create your PHP. This profile will be your confidential online resume and includes general information about you, your education, and your employment history. You will only need to complete this once, but you can edit it for different vacancies if you wish.
You can complete the PHP right away, or come back later. It will take between 30 minutes to one hour to complete, and you can save a partially completed profile at any time and return to finish it.
Ensure that your PHP is thorough, detailed, accurate, and picture-perfect. When you apply for a position, the PHP is the first (and, initially, only) thing the recruiter will see. If you don’t do a good job of representing your qualifications, or if your profile is marred by spelling or grammar mistakes, your application will be passed over.
You can continue to update your PHP at any time, but make sure it is in perfect condition when you actually apply for a listed vacancy.

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