You don't take this talent for its amplify damage reduction. The real benefit is the 6 yard increase in polymorph and ces that puts polymorpha exactly in the 36 yards that your deep freezes on so you can link CC targets with much less hassle and also the Counterspell range is particularly useful to stay clear of the 1800 Drake dog wannabes from globalizing you across the map. The next step is to go over glyphs , which can be somewhat confusing and confusing, but let's get it sorted out. You will always want to run evocation ice barrier and polymorph. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've played with some stretchy healers throughout the years, like their job is hard or something Glyph of Evocation grants you a 60percent help heal if you complete the channel. There's a ton of CC and wrath. So your healer is likely be locked out of the game occasionally, when you do manage to take a break and go on for a full vacation, chances are it'll change things around. These shields are a major part of how you will survive and wrath and Glyph of ice barrier adds an extra 30% absorption. What's not to love about. We've all played the game in TBC when someone got killed on a target you want it to be smuggling sheep around on however, don't fret because the wrath glyph is an enigma that can be eliminated all day On the target sheet, you'll finally be able to play games with comps such as mage, lock Shadow Priest, mage le as well as mage warrior without having to worry about your partner's dots turning the game useless. Mage is the only class in wrath that has three minor glyphs that can be useful. Buy WoTLK Gold, cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold for US/EU Servers at P2Pah, fast delivery, low prices, safe transaction, 24/7 online support, and huge stock, all provided by