An initial DUI conviction can have lasting repercussions in your life and result in jail time, fines, and license suspension - which could all make for an eventful and life-altering journey.

Criminal records can make it more challenging to gain employment, making job searches and professional relationships even more complicated. A DUI charge could erupt during a background check and interfere with professional relationships as a whole.

Jail Time

An initial DUI conviction can have lasting repercussions for your life. It can affect your insurance rates, employment status and criminal record as well as result in temporary loss of driving privileges for an extended period.

The length of your jail time will depend on both the state and circumstances surrounding your case, including any prior DUI convictions.

Fines associated with DUI convictions tend to be relatively steep and range from $500-$2,000 or even higher depending on the jurisdiction and severity of the charge.

Many states also mandate completion of a DUI program as part of probation, which may include drug and alcohol counseling as well as installation and payment for an ignition interlock device (IID). Your license could also be suspended by both court and DMV; in certain instances however, limited driving privileges could be granted if an IID is installed and all requirements met. Speak to a DUI lawyer to better understand your rights, explore your legal options, and build a strong defense for your case.

License Suspension

If you are arrested for driving under the influence, both the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and court can suspend your driver's license immediately or later - with DMV taking immediate steps while court order may delay this suspension until later on.

Most states impose a mandatory six-month driver's license suspension period following an initial DUI conviction, although in certain circumstances you may qualify for a restricted license in order to drive to and from work or school, and some even permit an ignition interlock device application process.

Depending on the state in which you reside, driving while having your license suspended could incur additional penalties such as fines or even jail time.

Insurance Rates

An initial DUI conviction can have serious repercussions for your driving record and job prospects.

Insurance companies categorize individuals based on risk. Drivers with recent accidents, tickets or convictions will pay more in premiums compared to drivers without recent violations in recent years.

However, certain states and insurers are more forgiving than others when it comes to DUI convictions; these states typically provide drivers who have been found driving under the influence with cheaper auto insurance premiums.

Bankrate conducted extensive research to help individuals with DUI find affordable options, using minimum coverage limits that meet state regulations as an indicator. Please keep in mind these rates may differ and quotes could differ significantly.

Criminal Record

An initial DUI conviction can have severe repercussions for your life and career, including being prevented from becoming a government employee, volunteering with children, obtaining insurance or traveling internationally.

Criminal records are public documents maintained by police that contain details on all your arrests and convictions since age 12, as well as any outstanding arrest warrants or dates of arrests, booking and release dates, plus any outstanding arrest warrants.

Criminal records can be cleared from public view through expungement and sealing processes. Furthermore, you may qualify for a pardon from the government.

All states maintain official "statewide repositories" that contain crime information compiled from local courts and law enforcement agencies. While most repositories tend to be accurate, there may occasionally be inaccuracies.