An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. And people who are involved in sports often experience this injury. These are pretty common nowadays, and depending on the intensity of the injury, it can take days to months to heal.

Many people who suffer from ankle sprain visit Bellevue rehabilitation center to heal their problem with the right exercises and stretching.

How to heal an ankle sprain?

Depending on the intensity of the sprain, you may need different treatment for a sprained ankle. The treatment objectives are to lessen discomfort and swelling, encourage ligament healing, and regain ankle function. You might be recommended to an orthopedic surgeon or doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation if you have sustained serious injuries. But at home you can use RICE therapy.

At Bellevue rehabilitation center, therapists recommend using RICE therapy for ankle sprains.

● Rest

You need to rest your foot and try not to use it when you have a sprained ankle.

Ice While awake

Apply an ice pack or take an ice bath for 15 to 20 minutes, then repeat every two to three hours. Before applying ice, see your doctor if you have diabetes, vascular disease, or impaired feeling.

● Compression

Compressing the ankle with an elastic bandage helps to halt the swelling. Don't wrap too tightly to restrict blood flow. Start wrapping at the end that is furthest from your heart.

● Elevation

Lift your ankle above the level of your heart, especially at night, to lessen swelling. By removing extra fluid, gravity reduces swelling.

Physical therapy

Your therapist will instruct and guide you to start a series of exercises to regain your ankle's range of motion, strength, flexibility, and stability once the swelling and pain have subsided enough for you to resume mobility. Your doctor or a physical therapist will describe the proper technique and progression of exercises.

Balance and stability training is particularly crucial to retrain the ankle muscles to cooperate and support the joint and to aid in preventing recurring sprains. If you are struggling to get relief from your ankle pain, you can take help from Bellevue rehabilitation center therapists to perform exercises properly.