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Our SY0-501 practice test will include those topics:

  • Technologies and Tools 22%
  • Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities 21%
  • Cryptography and PKI 12%
  • Risk Management 14%

For more info visit: CompTIA Security

>> SYO-501 Real Exam <<

Free PDF Quiz SYO-501 - CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam –Efficient Real Exam

Studying for attending CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam exam pays attention to the method. The good method often can bring the result with half the effort, therefore we in the examination time, and also should know some test-taking skill. The SYO-501 quiz guide on the basis of summarizing the past years, found that many of the questions, the answers have certain rules can be found, either subjective or objective questions, we can find in the corresponding module of similar things in common. To this end, the CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam exam dumps have summarized some types of questions in the qualification examination, so that users will not be confused when they take part in the exam, to have no emphatic answers. It can be said that the template of these questions can be completely applied. The user only needs to write out the routine and step points of the SYO-501 test material, so that we can get good results in the exams.

Access & Identity Management

To excel in SY0-501 exam, you must understand the concepts of identity and access management, the implementation of access and identity management controls, the practices of account management, and the configuration and installation of access and identity servers. Plus, you need to be aware of LDAP, Kerberos, tokens, account types, and multifactor authentication. Besides these, candidates will also have to master such concepts as database security, password history, and guest accounts if to name a few.

CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam Sample Questions (Q216-Q221):

A security analyst is testing both Windows and Linux systems for unauthorized DNS zone transfers within a LAN on from Which of the following commands should the security analyst use? (Select two.)

  • A. ipconfig /flushDNS
  • B. SY0-501-a742abab2c3b7e2d8278dfd4abcc00dc.jpg
  • C. dig
  • D. SY0-501-4a5b4c8f8b693a84ed72eaee85a6d8d6.jpg
  • E. dig -axfr
  • F. SY0-501-9ff453e7c675d1dad41b01bc026a2bc0.jpg

Answer: D,E

A system administrator runs a network inventory scan every Friday at 10:00 am to track the progress of a large organization's operating system upgrade of all laptops. The system administrator discovers that some laptops are now only being reported as IP addresses. Which of the following options is MOST likely the cause of this issue?

  • A. DNS outage
  • B. Host-based firewalls rules
  • C. HIDS
  • D. All the laptops are currently turned off

Answer: B

Which of the following is an example of federated access management?

  • A. Windows passing user credentials on a peer-to-peer network
  • B. Implementing a AAA framework for network access
  • C. Using a popular website login to provide access to another website
  • D. Applying a new user account with a complex password

Answer: C

You have just received some room and WiFi access control recommendations from a security consulting company. Click on each building to bring up available security controls. Please implement the following requirements:
The Chief Executive Officer's (CEO) office had multiple redundant security measures installed on the door to the office. Remove unnecessary redundancies to deploy three-factor authentication, while retaining the expensive iris render.
The Public Cafe has wireless available to customers. You need to secure the WAP with WPA and place a passphrase on the customer receipts.
In the Data Center you need to include authentication from the "something you know" category and take advantage of the existing smartcard reader on the door.
In the Help Desk Office, you need to require single factor authentication through the use of physical tokens given to guests by the receptionist.
The PII Office has redundant security measures in place. You need to eliminate the redundancy while maintaining three-factor authentication and retaining the more expensive controls.
Instructions: The original security controls for each office can be reset at any time by selecting the Reset button. Once you have met the above requirements for each office, select the Save button. When you have completed the entire simulation, please select the Done button to submit. Once the simulation is submitted, please select the Next button to continue.


See the solution below.
Solution as

An external auditor visits the human resources department and performs a physical security assessment. The auditor observed documents on printers that are unclaimed. A closer look at these documents reveals employee names, addresses, ages, and types of medical and dental coverage options each employee has selected.
Which of the following is the MOST appropriate actions to take?

  • A. Shred the documents and let the owner print the new set
  • B. Retrieve the documents, label them with a PII cover sheet, and return them to the printer
  • C. Flip the documents face down so no one knows these documents are PII sensitive
  • D. Report to the human resources manager that their personnel are violating a privacy policy

Answer: D


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