SEO is an integral part of your web marketing strategy. It’s also one of the most important aspects of how people find you online. In fact, SEO has become so important that Google now ranks websites based on their ability to meet user intent and answer search queries accurately. If a site doesn’t deliver what searchers want, they won’t stick around and most likely won't return again later on.

However, there are many factors that determine how well your site performs in search engine results pages (SERPs). So it is not enough just to optimize for search engines; you must also consider other things such as social sharing buttons or links back to your blog posts from other sites (like news articles).

Here’s some basic concepts from SEO service provider Philippines about optimizing for search engines (SEO) in general and then dive into specific techniques for these three areas: "on-site" optimization, using structured data markup, and sitemaps; internationalization; mobile friendliness; content optimization (web design); reducing redirects; client-side routing; image optimization for different screen sizes; video optimization for different screen sizes.

Use structured data on your website

Structured data is a way to add extra information to your website that search engines can use to better understand the content on your site. This includes things like product details, events and recipes.

This is important for SEO because it allows Google and other search engines to better understand what each page on your website is about, which helps them provide more relevant results in their search engine results pages (SERPs).

Add a sitemap

A sitemap, or site map, is a list of all the pages on your website. It can be used by search engines to index those pages and make them easier for users to find.

There are two main types of sitemaps: XML-based and HTML-based. An XML-based sitemap contains information about each page in the form of structured data, while an HTML-based one just lists all URLs within the tag.

When creating an XML file for your site map, use absolute paths so that Google knows where each URL is located on your server.

Use canonical URLs

You should use the rel="canonical" attribute on each page. This tells Google and other search engines that you prefer one version of your content over another. A good example of this is when you have multiple versions of a page, such as an English version and a French version.

You can also add this to pages that have duplicate content, such as when they're part of a series (for example: products A through M). In this case, adding rel="canonical" helps Google know which versions are more important than others so it doesn't get confused about what exactly makes up a product listing or blog post series.

You can also use link elements in your code--one at the top level with no H1 tag (or another heading tag) inside it; one immediately beneath every section; one beneath every header tag; one beneath every header tag; etc.--or by using HTML link elements (which look like regular hyperlinks) or by adding an HTTP header via HTTP response code 301 Moved Permanently (301) redirects. 

Create a mobile-friendly site

  • Create a mobile-friendly site.

  • Use responsive design.

  • Use a mobile app.

  • Use a mobile website, or if you don't have the budget for that, use a site builder that allows you to create sites for different devices (such as Wix).

Optimize images and videos

Images and videos are a big part of the user experience, so it's important to optimize them. The first thing you need to do is use the right file format and size for your images or videos, but there are also other things you can do:

  • Use appropriate compression--this means choosing between lossless (or uncompressed) formats like BMP or TIF versus lossy formats like JPEGs or PNGs. Lossless files usually have larger file sizes than lossy ones, which means they take longer to load on your page. However, if you're planning on editing your image later on, then using a lossless format will allow you more flexibility in making changes without losing quality. It's important not only that users see what they expect but also that search engines can understand what those images are about!

Reduce redirects and use client-side routing

Redirects should be used as sparingly as possible. Redirects can be used to keep search engines and users on the same page, but they can also be abused. For example, if you have a site with duplicate content and want to make sure that all of those pages are indexed by Google, then you may use client-side routing (or canonicalization) to ensure that all versions point back to one URL.

The 301 redirect is preferred over other types because it tells search engines not only where the page has moved but also why it's been moved there: it indicates a permanent change in content URL structure or ownership (in addition to being more user-friendly).


  • Include a call to action. A call to action (CTA) is an element on your page that prompts visitors to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product.

  • Include links back to your website, blog and social media profiles. You can add links using anchor text like "click here" or "learn more." This will increase the chances of people clicking through and visiting those pages, which will help improve both rankings and traffic for those pages in Google search results.


The technical SEO optimization techniques that we've covered in this article are just a few examples of how you can improve your website's search performance. There are many more, and each one will help you reach your goals. In the end, though, it all comes down to using your own judgment when determining which strategies will work best for your business or organization.

Best SEO agency Philippines can serve you right by doing technical SEO that can help you boost your keyword rankings on search engines.