Skin needling is a unique cosmetic treatment whereby skin cells are triggered to turn over quickly to see some magical difference appearing on your skin.

This minimally invasive anti-scar and anti-wrinkle treatment breaks down tissues with an advanced device to signal brain, which stimulates collagen for healing. 

The device causes pinpricking sensations, creating numerous microscopic tiny needle wounds that are not noticeable. This therapy improves body’s response to micro injuries by producing much of collagen and elastin fibres. These two components provide new life and strength to your dull and wrinkly surface.   

Wondering about how often you should get this treatment?

Well, it depends on the kind of skin condition you have. Since this advanced cosmetic treatment proves groundbreaking in many conditions, you need to know yours, at first.

Conditions Where Skin Needling Effectively Works

Here are a few skin conditions to recognise for which it is extremely effective:

·         Surgical scars

·         Stretch marks

·         Large skin pores

·         Keloid scarring

·         Fine lines, folds, wrinkles

·         Mild to moderate acne scars

Combine With Serums, Vitamins or Anti-Oxidants

You see a dramatic difference when it combines with rejuvenating & lubricating serums. These serums should be collagen boosters, like Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin-C and skin lightener for fading away pigmentation.

Upon sterilising, a pen-like device with a disposable tip consisting of 12 tiny needles glides along with the surface for piercing swiftly at 90 degrees. Then, Vitamin C serum or HA is applied so that it can be hydrated, healed and protected.

How many treatments do you need to take up?

It is certain that you expect for smoother, radiant and rejuvenated canvas with micro-needling. However, your end goal can be any of the aforementioned ones. Eventually, all goals end up in youthful and flawless tone and contour. 

This treatment can be safely repeated for few weeks on all parts of the body. Or, you can opt in until you achieve desired results. However, the number of treatment sessions depends on the how your body responds to it. Even, the doctor notices the extent of the damage at the beginning.  

Beauty Goal

Separation Time

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

4 to 6 weeks

Scar Reduction

3 to 6 weeks


You may see mild redness, swelling and mild sun burn. But, these effects won’t last more than 24 to 48 hours. So, don’t worry about it.

Gradually within a few weeks, you will notice smoother, brighter and more radiant appearance. But, the full effect may take months to visualize.

As a precaution, you should use sun screen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

This treatment is safe and globally accepted for being capable of showing off results. People of all skin types and colour can try it for treating their skin conditions. Those who want to opt it post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, they can go for it. There are virtually no side effects associated with it that are threatening and non-reversible.

Microneedling is generally performed in conjunction with other therapies to get better results. Patients should, at first, consult with an experienced and qualified skin specialist. He suggests the best ways to overcome your fear if you have any. Besides, you can negotiate the cost of treatment during this time. Ideally, he explains all ins and outs related to the treatment prior to procedure so that you would know what you are going to achieve afterwards.