A valuable tool in any commercial kitchen, The Bain Marie can keep pre-cooked food warm for longer periods of service. Its gentle heat ensures that food is prepared to the correct temperature and can also help to avoid food safety issues.

“Bain marie” is an ambiguous term that means many things. For example, while some people refer to a double boiler, others know it as a simple water bath for holding food and ingredients.

It is commonly used to hold cold dishes such as salads or dressing, which helps to preserve their freshness. A bain marie can be filled with hot or cold water and ice to ensure that the food stays at the right temperature for prolonged periods of time.

In some restaurants, a bain marie is paired with a hot oven or a microwave to speed up the cooking process and reduce the amount of time it takes for the food to cook correctly. Combining these two methods can also help prevent the food from overcooking and causing it to dry out or lose its texture, which is especially important for delicate foods such as custards and cakes.

There are many different types of bain marie. Some are open, where the cooking container is immersed in boiling water; others heat with scalding-hot vapour (also known as steam), while still others operate using electric elements that produce both wet and dry heat to provide heating for the food.

Wet-heat bain maries are usually more convenient and require less cleaning than the dry-heat models. However, they can be more expensive than traditional versions.

Soup kettles are another type of bain marie that are popular in restaurants. These are a practical alternative to the wet-heat version and can be used to heat soups, curry or chilli in larger quantities.

The best bain maries should be able to handle a range of dishes, such as a chocolate sauce, and can be heated at precise temperatures, reducing the risk of cracking or drying out. In addition, they should be easy to clean after use and can be fitted with GN trays for easy storage.

Stainless steel construction is ideal for long-term use in food service environments. This bain marie features a drain tap for conveniently emptying the reservoir and comes with one GN tray with a maximum height of 15cm.

It is a useful tool in any catering setting. It is available with variable heat and temperature control to ensure the food is cooked at the perfect temperature for long-term holding. This can be a cost-efficient option for commercial kitchens to aid in quickly serving food without adding additional prep time.