Are you having trouble loading a file in Google Docs? This issue may be brought on by a number of things, including your browser extensions, a bad internet connection, and corrupted browser data. You will need to do a number of troubleshooting actions in order to resolve this.

Anyone can create, edit, and share files with others using a browser thanks to Google Docs, a free online document editing software. It has been available since 2006 and has many of the same functions as the widely used word processor Microsoft Word. One benefit of utilising Google Docs is that your document is immediately stored to the cloud, so you won't ever lose it if your hard drive fails.

When using Google Docs, one of the problems you could run into is not being able to load a document. When you are pressed for time, this can be very frustrating.

Fix Google Docs not Open

Check your internet connection as a first step.
The device you are using has a slow internet connection speed, which is one of the main causes of how long it takes to open Google Docs. It's possible that the file you are opening won't load when using Google Docs on your Google Chrome browser when you have an online access problem, such as a shaky internet connection.

Note the outcomes of the ping, download, and upload. These outcomes will demonstrate the quality of your current internet connection.

Your download speed should be adequate for Google Docs to load files without any problems. Particularly, the download and upload results ought to be nearly identical to what you currently receive from your internet service provider.

If your internet connection is erratic, you can use the techniques below to determine if your networking hardware is to blame.

The best way to to fix Google Docs not working is by contacting Google Support Customer service.