The Super Mario series is 35 years old, and there have been reported rumors that Nintendo will be remastering the franchise's greatest 3D outings for the Nintendo Switch. This would mark a significant milestone for the long-running video game series.

In the unlikely event that you have just emerged from a warp pipe after 35 years, cuphead is the character in video games. The release of the original Super Mario Bros. in 1985 was a turning point for the video game industry. Mario is the protagonist of the video game franchise that has sold the most copies, with a total of 600 million copies sold since his debut in the game Donkey Kong in 1981. Mario has appeared in more than 200 different games. Super Mario Kart is credited with starting the trend of battle karts, and Super Smash Bros. is credited with inventing the party fighter genre. Both of these achievements were accomplished by Mario games.
There are 19 different games in the "main" series of Super Mario games, and each game appeals to a different demographic of players for a variety of reasons. It is impossible to create a ranking that is objective of the core Mario games, but we will do our best anyway. There is a high probability that many of these games can be substituted for one another depending on a wide range of individual factors, such as nostalgia, preference, and mood. In point of fact, each and every game that is featured on this list is, at the very least, very good, with the best ranking among the best games that have ever been created. Even the games that are considered to be Mario's worst are usually playable.

The following three factors will be considered when determining placement, just like they were when we ranked The Legend of Zelda games the year before.
Additionally, we will not be including any spinoffs because, if we did, this list would go on for pages. We are going off of the Mario homepage on Nintendo's website, which lists all of the Nintendo-approved "core" titles for the alleged plumber. In addition, we are using the release year in the United States.

There are going to be a lot of people who take issue with this list, and odds are, they're going to be right! Comparing our rankings to those of Polygon, for instance, reveals significant discrepancies. Leave a comment below telling us where you think each answer falls.