The fact is that when a tooth is missing, specific things start to occur. The tooth on the other side will start to erupt into the gap. Therefore, if you lost a top tooth, the opposite tooth on the bottom jaw would grow up into the space through a process known as extrusion or super eruption. Additionally, the teeth on either side of the gap would tilt at an unnatural angle after sliding off their axes. Due to this, it is exceedingly challenging to properly clean the teeth, which may cause the neighboring teeth to deteriorate more quickly and necessitate further tooth extractions.

The surrounding teeth will begin to shift toward the gap in your smile when you lose one or more teeth. Your teeth's alignment and your bite may suffer as a result. Additionally, if you don't replace it with a dental implant by Boerne Orthodontics, losing a tooth will eventually cause the bone that supports it to deteriorate. Implants maintain the health of your jaw by protecting and stimulating the jaw bone.

More tooth loss results in the possibility of arch loss. This implies that you lose space between the last tooth in your mouth on one side and its opposing tooth on the other. Your face will consequently get smaller as a result of your bite collapsing and the decrease in the space between your chin and nose. You then appear much older than you are as your cheeks sink into the hollows.

But this is merely the proverbial "tip of the iceberg." If the missing tooth is not replaced, additional, graver issues start to arise. Your gums may start to recede, exposing the root structures of your neighboring teeth, which may make them extremely sensitive and more vulnerable to decay. Even Nevertheless, if several teeth are lost, this is hardly the worst scenario that could occur.

If you lose one or more teeth, particularly the front teeth, you could start to feel less confident about your look. When you laugh, smile, or eat, you could try to cover your teeth if you don't like how, you look when you smile. Your self-confidence is also restored by replacing your smile.

Speech problems are another difficulty brought on by tooth loss, and they can make your speech sound more "slushy" and unclear. You can speak properly and naturally once you have missing teeth replaced by Boerne Orthodontist.

However, all of this can be prevented! Today, there are numerous methods for replacing missing teeth quickly, before any of the aforementioned events can occur. In reality, dental implants have been the preferred treatment option for more than 40 years to replace missing teeth. To secure fake teeth in place, dental implants use titanium screws that are placed in the jawbone. Although this approach appears obvious, it is merely one of many available to you.