The waste hierarchy requires the notion of decreasing what is generated and consumed. The argument is straightforward: if there is less garbage, there is less to recycle or reuse.
The'reduce' process starts with an analysis of what you are using and why you are using it. There are three basic methods to determining an item's or process's reduction value: basketball stars

Step 1: Is there anything else that might be utilized for this?
Beginning weight loss requires the usage of multi-purpose goods. A coffeepot and a cappuccino machine are two examples. Both of these accomplish unique things, but you can purchase a coffeepot with a steaming attachment that can do both.
When you buy one thing, you are not buying two. It minimizes the quantity of manufacturing as well as the amount of waste packaging material created.

Step 2: Is this something that absolutely must be done?
A large portion of our garbage is generated by goods that are deemed "disposable." Not in the sense that you use something once and then toss it away; in fact, when dealing with medical products, this might be a component of environmental responsibility; disposable in this sense indicates whether or not what the item enables you to perform has any real significance or purpose.