Today, more and more people rely on glasses or contacts in order to see clearly. While these can often be practical and effective, sometimes, they are not enough to correct your vision or they don’t provide the required level of comfort for the wearer. Some people just don’t like the way they look with glasses or they always forget them at home. Others simply shuder at the idea of inserting contacts into the eye. Also, both of these vision aids come with expenses, especially if you need to change your glasses often and get special contacts for your condition. A solution for this problem lies in LASIK eye surgery. Here’s every benefit and risk of this innovative and effective procedure you should know about: 

Benefits of LASIK

LASIK is a great procedure loved and practiced around the world. It is so popular because of its benefits that patients can expect to see very quickly, in a matter of days after the procedure. Here are just some of the most obvious benefits of LASIK that motivate patients to opt for this miracle cure for vision: 


LASIK is a very convenient procedure. With glasses and contact lenses, people need daily care and maintenance, but LASIK is a one-time intervention. You can forget all about cleaning and carrying glasses, contact boxes and liquids, ordering contacts, repairing glasses and lenses, etc. If you have an active lifestyle that includes plenty of outdoor activities, this can be a perfect solution to your daily struggles. 

Quick recovery

As a procedure, LASIK lasts only about 30 minutes per eye. In most cases, patients feel very little discomfort or pain, with many reporting no negative sensations at all (it’s all done with numbing eye drops and very light sedative to keep you relaxed yet conscious). Plus, recovery is quite short and easy. You can go home to your family right after the surgery and expect improvements in vision in a matter of 24 to 48 hours! 

Cost-effective in the long run

While LASIK usually costs more upfront than glasses or contact lenses, you can make great savings in the long run. Because LASIK is a one-time investment, you don’t have to worry about lens replacements, cleaning solutions, eye exams, new glasses, etc. 

Improved vision

And finally, the most significant benefit of this surgery is the corrections to your vision. The procedure includes a laser beam aimed at the eye in order to reshape the cornea (the see-through frontal part of the eye). LASIK eye surgery can leave the patient with a sharper and clearer vision, especially if the experts use the most advanced technology and techniques that allow for quicker procedures. In many cases, people report significant correction of vision, with some patients achieving 20/20 results. 

Risk of LASIK

Just like with any medical and corrective procedure, LASIK has its risks, but they have only been reported in 0.7 to 6.6% cases, which is a very small percentage. Just to be sure you know everything about LASIK, here are some of the most common risks to keep in mind: 

Dry eyes

This is probably the most common side-effect of LASIK. In some cases, the procedure causes temporary dryness lasting from a few weeks to a few months. In an even smaller number of people, dryness can become chronic, but it can be treated with eye drops and medication, and it’s generally not painful at all. 


This risk of LASIK is many people’s biggest fear. While this procedure can significantly, even completely, fix the vision of the majority of patients, there is a small chance that your vision impairment can come back over time. This might require additional treatment or even a second LASIK procedure. This risk is most present in people with extreme cases of nearsightedness and farsightedness who may continue to experience a decline in eye health. 


Since LASIK is a surgical procedure, there’s always a slight possibility of infection, corneal haze or flap complications. These risks appear in only a handful of cases, but it’s important to take them seriously because they can cause the need for additional treatment or even vision loss. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these complications are extremely rare, with less than 1% of all people who undergo LASIK ending up with any serious complications. 

LASIK is a true miracle of medicine that’s helping the world become a brighter place for all people affected by sight issues. Hopefully, you’ll make the right decision for your eyes after knowing all the benefits and risks of LASIK.