Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore Dr. Bhushan Chittawadagi is one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in Bangalore having more than 18 years of experience in the field of basic & advanced laparoscopic surgery. His experience in the field of Laparoscopic GI & HPB Surgery makes him one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in Bengaluru, Karnataka. He is well-trained & expert in providing high-quality treatment and laparoscopy Surgery. Currently, he is working as an Advanced Laparoscopic surgeon at Hosamat Hospital, Bangalore, and offering the most affordable Laparoscopic Surgery Cost in Bangalore. The Cost of Laparoscopic Surgery is starting from Rs. 50K/- only. Dr. Bhushan Chittawadagi is the best gastroenterologist who performed laparoscopic surgery for Gallstone, Hernia, and colorectal surgery. He is known for giving all of his patients the best evidence-based treatment possible. His first objective is to provide the highest level of ethical and reliable care with complete dedication. Contact Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi immediately to know about laparoscopic surgery and its cost or other options. Make sure you get the best guidance and 100 percent high-quality treatment and medical care. What is Laparoscopic Surgery? Laparoscopic or “minimally invasive surgery” is a specialized technique for performing surgery. In the past, this technique was commonly used for gynecologic surgery and gall bladder surgery. Over the last 10 years, the use of this technique has expanded into intestinal surgery and Oncosurgery. Laparoscopic surgery is the best gift to the patient because in traditional surgery due to large cuts there are chances of blood loss. this can cause other complications. But Laparoscopic surgery has reduced this risk and it uses several 0.5-1cm incisions. Each incision is called a “port. At each port, a tubular instrument known as a trochar is inserted. Specialized instruments and a special camera known as a laparoscope are passed through the trochars during the procedure. Laparoscopic surgery in Bangalore is a very cost-effective procedure with a short recovery period. The laparoscope transmits images from the abdominal cavity to high-resolution video monitors in the operating room. During the operation, Dr. Bhushan watches detailed images of the abdomen on the monitor. This system allows Dr. Bhushan to perform the same operations as traditional surgery but with smaller incisions. When laparoscopy is used to diagnose any patient’s condition, the procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes. Bengaluru has the best laparoscopic surgery hospitals and doctors in the entire city and the cost of laparoscopic surgery in Bangalore is very low. Why is laparoscopic surgery done? Before this system came along, a surgeon who operated on their patient’s belly had to make a cut that was 6-to-12 inches long. That gave them enough room to see what they were doing and reach whatever they had to work on. In laparoscopic surgery, Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi makes several small cuts. Usually, each one is no more than a half-inch long. (That’s why it’s sometimes called keyhole surgery.) They insert a tube through each opening, and the camera and surgical instruments go through those. Then the surgeon does the operation. Types of Laparoscopic Surgery Dr.Bhushan Chittawadagi is an excellent laparoscopic surgeon in Bangalore and he is expertise in following laparoscopic surgery. Colorectal surgery: Hemicolectomies, anterior resection & APR, rectopexy, diverticulitis surgery, and stoma creation & revision Upper GI surgery: Fundoplication, diaphragmatic hernia repair, TVGJ, duodenal perforation repair, and cancer surgery for the stomach and esophagus. HPB surgery: Pancreatic-Biliary (HPB) surgery – Subtotal chole, cystogastrostomy, and hydatid cyst surgery. Bariatric surgery: Sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and Mini gastric bypass. Laparoscopic hernia repair: Being a hernia specialist in Bangalore, Dr. Bhushan also specializes in TEP – Total extraperitoneal pre-peritoneal repair and TAPP – Transabdominal pre-peritoneal repair. What are the Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery? Working this way has several advantages compared with traditional surgery. Because it involves less cutting: You have smaller scars. You get out of the hospital quicker. You’ll feel less pain while the scars heal, and they heal quicker. You get back to your normal activities sooner. You may have less internal scarring. Here’s an example. With conventional methods, you might spend a week or more in the hospital for intestinal surgery, and your total healing might take 4 to 8 weeks. If you have laparoscopic surgery, you might stay only 2 nights in the hospital and recover in 2 or 3 weeks. And a shorter hospital stay generally costs less. Laparoscopic Surgery Cost in Bangalore Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi is one of the best laparoscopic surgery doctors in Bangalore. Laparoscopy surgery in Bangalore is a very affordable procedure that takes very little time to operate and does not extend the doctor’s stay too much. Laparoscopy cost in Bangalore is Rs. Starting from 50K to 90K It only depends on the type of surgery, condition of the patient, skill of the surgeon, location, and cost of the hospital. Why Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi for Laparoscopic surgery? Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi is a consultant and an Advanced Laparoscopic, Gastro, and GI Cancer Surgeon practicing at Hosmat Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka. and he is a skilled surgeon who is an expert in the field of minimally invasive and laparoscopic surgery. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field. Offering both traditional laparoscopic procedures and robotic-assisted procedures, our surgeons are at the forefront of adopting new technologies to provide comfortable, painless, and accurate diagnosis and treatment. In addition to palliative care, Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi takes a multidisciplinary approach to determine the cause of the condition and identify methods to prevent future complications.