What was the motivation behind the decision to WOTLK Gold  eliminate bonuses for stats from gear in arenas for players-versus-players were created?

Nervig: To lower the entry barrier to PvP, so that you don't feel like you're lagging behind in the event that you're out of current on the latest PvP gear. We wanted to increase the number of people playing PvP. Also to be more fair and fair, we wanted to make sure that classes are balanced and tuned based on the gear stats we assigned them. For example in the case that [Warlock'swarlock's Destruction mastery is outclassed in PvPbattles, we'll give them less mastery on their stats for PvP.

We'll be very vigilant to ensure that there's something to be discussed and we will not see a content drought similar to what we experienced before.

As Legion is nearing completion I'd like to have a discussion about the long-term future of World of Warcraft . Are you sure there's going to be a point where the team decides "We're going to release one more expansion, we're going to wrap it up in some way and place a stop to this, rather than letting it die out like do many MMOs are doing"?

Barriga Barriga: It's a difficult question to answer. We have generations of players who basically have grown up playing World of Warcraft . It's a great idea to imagine some of them will get to be a teenager and continues to work in the game, bringing an entirely new perspective to things. 

I'm sure there'll be some time when we'll have to hand over the torch, but it's an event that generates such passion in people that, at the very least, in the near future, I'm not sure of the need to simply call it quits.In terms of the momentum that it has generated, and in terms of the energy that we as a community feel for the game--this is the new expansion that I've become the most excited about. This is an expansion where we've had the chance to try practically everything we'd like to, from the new class to the various new features. We had systems before that we were not happy with. We just said, "Our players deserve better." So long as we continue doing so, we hope that our players continue to give us a reward for playing their game.

Update 9/3/2016: Originally, the version of the article had an error in spelling developer Luis Bariga's name. The article has been updated to correct the spelling.The update will include four brand new scenarios, including Blood in the Snow, Dark Heart of Pandaria, Secrets of Ragefire, and Battle on the High Seas. It will also include as well as a new difficulty mode called heroic. Players can also deal with loot drops from off-spec using new features for specialisation of buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold loot.