A Blue Screen of Death, also known as a BSOD, is a critical error that occurs on Windows PCs. It is typically accompanied by a stop error message that can range from a simple error code to a more detailed explanation of the problem. The BSOD is usually caused by a hardware or software issue that prevents the operating system from functioning properly. If you're facing a BSOD on your Windows PC, don't panic. This article will explain how to fix a Blue Screen of Death and get your Pc back up and running.

Identify the Cause of the BSOD

The first step in fixing a BSOD is to identify the cause. The BSOD typically displays an error code or message that can help you determine the cause. For example, if the error code is 0x0000007B, it is likely that the BSOD is caused by a problem with the hard drive or disk controller. If the error code is 0x000000F4, it is likely that the BSOD is caused by a problem with the memory.

Troubleshoot Hardware Issues

If the error code points to a hardware issue, you will need to check for any physical problems with your Pc Repair Edinburgh.If the BSOD is caused by a hardware issue, the best course of action is to troubleshoot the hardware. This can be done by checking the device manager for any issues with the hardware and updating any outdated drivers. Additionally, you can also try running hardware diagnostic tools such as the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool or the Windows Device Diagnostic tool.

Troubleshoot Software Issues

If the BSOD is caused by a software issue, you will need to troubleshoot the software. This can be done by checking the event viewer for any errors or warnings that may have been generated during the BSOD. Additionally, you can also try running software diagnostic tools such as the Windows System File Checker tool or the Windows Startup Repair tool.

Identifying the Error Code

The first step in troubleshooting a BSOD is to identify the error code. This code can be found in the blue screen message and can provide valuable information about the cause of the crash. Common error codes include:

0x0000007B: This error code indicates an issue with the hard drive or boot sector.

   0x00000024: This error code indicates a problem with the NTFS file system.

 0x00000050: This error code indicates a problem with memory.


A Blue Screen of Death can be a frustrating and stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world. By identifying the cause of the BSOD, troubleshooting the hardware and software, and seeking professional help, you can get your Windows PC back up and running in no time. If you are in Edinburgh, you have plenty of options for professional PC repair services that can help you fix a Blue Screen of Death. Remember that it is always better to seek professional help rather than trying to fix the issue on your own and possibly making the situation worse.