What is Dermaplaning and What are the reasons to try it for your next facial?

Have you ever had the chance to hear about the process of dermaplaning? It's a unique type of facial that experts from the field are now recommending instead of conventional facials. In this article, we'll be discussing what dermaplaning is, why it might be more effective with certain types of skin than others and how it may benefit your skin in long term. Find out more! Get more information about Top-rated spa

Introduction to Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a process of manual exfoliation which uses a sterilized, surgical scalpel in order to remove the dead skin cells and peach fuzz that has accumulated on the face. This type of exfoliation can be beneficial for people who are looking for an even complexion and more smooth skin. Dermaplaning may also prepare the skin for better absorption of skincare products. If you're thinking about dermaplaning, make sure that you consult an esthetician licensed by the FDA or dermatologist prior to doing it.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a type of exfoliation that employs a sterilized blade that removes dead skin cells as well as vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the surface of the skin. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as component of a comprehensive facial.

Dermaplaning's advantages include:

1. Smoother, brighter skin: Dermaplaning strips the skin's top level of dead skin cells, leaving a smoother, more radiant skin beneath.

2. Reduced peach follicles: The removal of vellus hair can result in a temporary reduction to the peach-fuzz appearance.

3. Increased product penetration: Through eliminating damaged skin cells along with peach hazz, products for skincare will be able better penetrate the skin , and perform more effectively.

4. Makeup application: Makeup will be smoother and look more even after dermaplaning thanks to the improved quality of skin.

How a Dermaplaning Facial Works

Dermaplaning is a type of face treatment that makes use of an instrument designed specifically to scrape peel fuzz and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This may help improve the appearance of the skin, and help it to feel soft and more smooth.

The tool used to perform dermaplaning is a tiny sharp blade linked to a handle. The blade is dragged across the skin in small, swift strokes. As the blade moves through the face, it removes dead skin cells and peach fuzz.

It can be performed as its own or as a part in a more complete facial treatment. It is thought to be safe for most individuals, though those with sensitive skin may need to steer clear of it. Dermaplaning may cause swelling and redness for a short period, however these reactions should subside within a few hours.

What to Expect During and Following Your Dermaplaning Facial

When you show up for your dermaplaning treatment, your esthetician will first cleanse the skin and applying a fine layer of oil. This will allow the dermaplaning tool glide more smoothly across your skin.

Your esthetician will hold the dermaplaning blade at a 45-degree angle, and gently rub the skin using small strokes. They'll be sure to stay clear of any areas that are particularly sensitive like near the mouth or around the eyes.

The whole process usually takes around 15 to 20 minutes. Your skin will feel silky and soft! Also, you may notice how much peach fuzz that was on your face has disappeared.

There's no downtime following a dermaplaning facial, so you'll be able to go about your day in the same way as you would normally. You should make sure to wear sunscreen as the skin will be sensitive to sun exposure for the next couple of days.

Who Should Not Get a Dermaplaning Treatment?

It is a safe, efficient exfoliation procedure for the majority of people. However, there are some people who shouldn't undergo dermaplaning. These include:

-People with active acne breakouts Dermaplaning may cause acne, so it's best to wait until your skin has cleared before attempting this treatment.

People with sensitive skin If your skin is sensitive it is recommended to be cautious about dermaplaning, as it may cause irritation.

Patients with rosacea: Dermaplaning may worsen rosacea symptoms It is therefore recommended to consult with a dermatologist prior making a decision to try this treatment.

Tips for Post-Treatment Care

In the event that you're discussing Dermaplaning as part of facial treatments Here are some suggestions to follow-up care after treatment:

Wash your face two times a throughout the day using a gentle cleanser. Avoid rubbing or using harsh products that might cause irritation to the skin.

-Apply an oil-free, light moisturizer to keep the skin moisturized.

-Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen all day long even when it's cloudy. Dermaplaning can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Don't scratch or rub your face in any way that isn't necessary. Let any scabs or dry skin fall off on their own.

-Avoid wearing makeup for at least 24hrs after dermaplaning. If you must wear makeup, use cosmetics that aren't comedogenic and won't block pores.

Solutions to Facial Dermaplaning

There are several options to use dermaplaning for facials which offer similar results. Microdermabrasion is one of them that employs a fine sandblaster to take off the top layer of skin. It can be done at home with kits, or at a spa or the dermatologist's office. Chemical peels are based on chemicals that melt the top layer of skin. They can be performed at home or professionally.


The procedure of Dermaplaning, a facial therapy that can improve the appearance and feel your skin. It eliminates dead skin cells and peach fuzz and leaves you with soft skin that is smoother and more supple. Dermaplaning also helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by promoting collagen production. If you're seeking a simple way to take care of your skin, dermaplaning may be worth considering as a component of your regular skincare routine.