Vistara Airways provides premium services to its customers at affordable rates. They allow their passengers to cancel their flight at any time and ask for a refund. However, the customers are expected to follow the terms and conditions of their cancellation and refund policy. So if you want to know Is Vistara airlines fully refundable or not, then you must be aware of their refund policy. Vistara Airways allows you to cancel your flight three hours before its departure. You cannot cancel your Vistara Flight after that. You can follow the given instructions to learn more about the refund policy of Vistara Airways.

Find Refund Policy of Vistara flight

Vistara Airways has a 24 hours cancellation policy where it provides full refunds to its customers. You must cancel your Vistara Flight within 24 hours of booking.
If your flight has been canceled by Vistara Airlines, then also you will be provided with a full refund
If your Vistara flight is delayed by 4 hours, then also you will get a refund.
You will only get a refund on the refundable ticket.
You do not get a refund on the non-refundable ticket or only a partial refund on the partially refundable ticket.
You will be provided no refund at all if you cancel your flight three hours before its scheduled departure.
You will get the refund within seven business days if you have made the payment from a credit card.
If you have made the payment from other sources, then you get a refund in 20 business days.
You will be provided a refund in the original form of payment that you used during the booking.

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