The Hindu University of America offers courses in Hindu philosophical systems that emphasize critical thinking, morality, and introspection. It trains students for service, leadership and engagement in the world by promoting Hindu culture and traditions in an academically independent environment. Hindu University of America offers many courses like Vedas Courses, Sanskrit Language Courses, Vedic Studies Courses, Hindu Vedas.

Ayurveda includes Samyaka Aahara (balanced and compatible food intake) as part of health management. Ayurvedic Aahara Kalpana (Nutritional Theory) is the main theme of this course. The modules are designed to enable students to understand the role of Aahara in wellness in everyday life. Students will learn about Poshana (Nutrition and Growth) and Sharir-Kriya (Metabolism) from an Ayurvedic perspective. The course will provide an overview of understanding Sthula Pachana (basic digestion) and Sukshma Pachana/Dhatu Poshana (tissue nutrition). It will offer an understanding of the many external components related to nutrition, in addition to the food itself. It will give students an idea of ​​the importance of understanding the right approach to personalized nutrition. The course will also emphasize the importance of engaging systems such as Indriya (sense organs) and Manas (psychological) health. The course will enable students to identify gaps in modern dietetics. This course will provide different assessments of food and cuisine in relation to geography and culture. Many unique theories like Virudhhahara (Incompatible combinations of food), Aahara Vidhi Vidhana (8 factors related to food intake), Samskara (Processing of food) etc. will be introduced with their practical application in modern times. The course will include a necessary discussion of the myths and facts of "diet and diet trends". Pathya Aahara (restorative diet) and several other specialized dietary theories will be taught as an interesting practical exercise. A holistic approach to nutrition will be the result of this course.

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