Making money off of website visitors typically involves promoting third-party services or goods. Many advertising platforms exist today, with Google AdSense being the most widely used.

Since its introduction in the middle of 2003, Google AdWords has become the dominant online advertising platform.

What is Google AdSense?

Everyone with a blog or a YouTube channel knows precisely what Google AdSense is and how it works. Most bloggers and YouTubers won't need to explain Google AdSense to their audiences, but it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of new users have no idea what it is or how it operates.

AdSense is a product of Google that displays text, image, and video ads on websites, such as blogs and YouTube channels. These advertisements are from Google AdSense and other smaller businesses, apps, or websites that have paid Google AdSense to display their advertisements.

Because Google AdSense can't generate an advertising website, it displays advertisements on blogs like yours and mine. To compensate you for displaying their advertisements on your site, the firm pays Google AdSense, and you receive a revenue cut.

How to get a google AdSense account approved?

AdSense approval is crucial for bloggers since we can finally start making money from our work. However, repeated rejection from Google AdSense does have some severe consequences. You should double-check your blog, create all the essential pages, and select the appropriate theme before requesting AdSense approval.

AdSense approval on a blog requires the blog to be at least six months old under the "Google AdSense Approval Requirements." Still, if you buy an appropriate domain and apply for AdSense, you should receive an approval within three to seven days. A process and a type of blog must be followed to be accepted by Google AdSense.

Blog Design & Navigation System

A blog's layout is the next step after its creation. Improving a blog's appearance is crucial, as this increases the likelihood of your blog being accepted by AdSense. Make it look like a high-quality blog in terms of layout.

When you're done with the blog's layout, you should focus on making the navigation as straightforward as possible so that readers can quickly access the information they're looking for. Because Google AdSense will prioritize your blog if your readers enjoy using it.

Remove Extra Link

If your blog uses a free theme or template, you should not apply for AdSense until you remove any potentially damaging links.

Blog's icon and favicon

Since a blog's favicon or emblem is essentially its face, having a high-quality one is essential if you want Google AdSense to approve your site quickly.

Important Pages

You need at least four promotional pages on your blog to get your AdSense account approved. Google's policies require these three pages on your site if you want to apply for AdSense, which is essential to your blog's success.

Learn More, Get in Touch, Disclaimer, and Privacy Statement Create at least these four sections of content for your blog; doing so will significantly boost the likelihood of approval and will ensure the user is evident of the blog's purpose and the information he will obtain from reading it.

AdSense approval for more than these four pages is possible occasionally, but this is improbable and likely depends on pure chance. Here, skill and effort are more important than chance. So, please make the following four pages:

1.      About Us

2.      Privacy Policy

3.      Contact us

4.      Disclaimer

There Are Several Other Crucial Options Required for AdSense Approval

For AdSense approval, you'll also need to adjust a few other settings in your blog. To avoid looking like a fool, make sure to finish every page that Blogger recommends.

Submit Sitemap:

After you've completed 15 genuinely unique posts, submit a sitemap to Google and Bing. The latter of which causes search engines to crawl and index your post. Effectively using this method increases the likelihood of having your AdSense account approved.

Online profile:

Create profiles on social networking sites like Facebook, Facebook groups, Twitter, Pinterest, Medium, Get Pocket, YouTube, etc., to boost your blog's visibility and traffic. Put a button to share your blog on social media on your blog's page.

Email for business use:

Similarly, your blog's content will inform the kind of email you select. Several sections of a blog—including the "about" section, "contact us," and "privacy" sections—require an email address. Thus, you should employ the email address associated with your domain name.

Reasons for not getting AdSense approval

It would help if you were wary of the justifications Google gives when your AdSense application is denied.

1.      there needs to be more information on the blog.

2.      Content and causes of unfriendly blogs

3.      Justifications for using previously-protected works

4.      Cases for Employing Black Hat SEO

5.      lacking an "About Us," "Contact," or "Privacy Policy" page.

6.      The problems with Google's ad policy.

7.      A former Google AdSense user

8.      The lack of a good reason for not employing the crystal-clear navigation system

9.      Using Hacking, Adult Content, and Malware


Web content creators that are unable to sign up for an AdSense account. When friends get irritated with blogging, many of them quit. Some of your friends don't have AdSense approval because they don't know enough about AdSense, but it's true that being approved is quite simple. This article included everything you need to know to get approved for AdSense here, and we hope you find it helpful. If you want to earn money from the website, you can join our Digital Marketing course in Chandigarh